This Woman Sprays Alcohol On Her Bed. She Can’t Believe What She Finds That Night!!!
There are many uses of rubbing alcohol, but the most common one is definitely for disinfection. People also use it for adhesive removal. However, the uses of this versatile over-the-counter product go far beyond this. Read on and find out how you can make the most of this item.
1# Kill lice
Rubbing alcohol works wonders for removing lice. What you do is fill a spray bottle with some alcohol then add several drops of lavender oil. Spray the mixture generously on your scalp and hair. Make sure you do the treatment outside. Remove dead lice by combing your hair. In the end, leave the used lice combs to soak in the mixture for at least 1 hour.
2# Clean your ears
Although cotton swabs are the most commonly used tool for ear cleaning, they’re actually dangerous due to the fact that they push ear wax deeper in the ear canal. Rubbing alcohol is a much better alternative for this. In a cup mix some white vinegar and rubbing alcohol then drip a couple of drops in each ear. You can use a cotton swab for this. The wax will be removed on its own.
3# Get rid of bed bugs
Bed bugs are a real annoyance, especially because they cause skin irritation and allergies. Luckily, rubbing alcohol is all you need to get rid of these pests. Fill a spray bottle with some rubbing alcohol and spray generously over your pillows and mattress. As bed bugs lay eggs, it’s important to repeat several times for optimal results.
4# Deodorant replacement
Rubbing alcohol is highly effective in killing the bacteria that cause bad body odor and can be easily found in every first-aid kit. So, if you find yourself away from home and you have no deodorizer with you, rubbing alcohol is all you need. However, don’t use it too often because long-term exposure to alcohol can irritate your skin.
5# Homemade cool pack
It’s common knowledge that alcohol doesn’t freeze. Instead, it turns into a cold, thick mass. It’s because of this that you can use alcohol to make your own cooling pad. For this you need to mix rubbing alcohol and water in a ratio 1:2 and place the mixture in a zip lock bag. It’s important to remove as much air as possible before placing the bag in the freezer. Wait for an hour before you use this as an ice pack for an injury or to cool your lunch on a hike, for instance.
6# Remove fingernail polish
If you want to avoid the harsh chemicals often found in commercial nail polish remover, use pure rubbing alcohol instead. It may take a bit longer to remove the polish completely, but you’ll protect your nails.
7# No more ingrown hairs
Ingrown hairs are quite an annoyance not just because of the irritated red skin, but also for the ugly appearance. Applying a bit of rubbing alcohol to your skin can significantly ease any irritation, while leaving your skin smooth again.
8# Clear your skin
Most acne-fighting creams and ointments contain benzoyl peroxide. However, rubbing alcohol provides the same effect due to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Use this product to disinfect any existing pimples and acne, but also to sooth the surrounding skin and help prevent acne breakout. When using rubbing alcohol on your face, use on the affected skin only as it can damage healthy skin.
9# Cold sores
The herpes virus is found in vast majority of the population. Although 85% of people carry it, only some will ever experience a break out. If you experience such an issue, use 70% isopropyl alcohol on the sore. This will speed up the recovery according to the University of Michigan.
10# Hand sanitizer
You can make a highly effective hand sanitizer with rubbing alcohol. What you do is combine 4 oz. aloe vera gel, ½ tbsp. isopropyl alcohol, and a few drops of tea tree oil. Store the mix in a sealable bottle. For detailed instructions, watch the video below.
This Woman Sprays Alcohol On Her Bed. She Can’t Believe What She Finds That Night!!!
Reviewed by Rid
10:13:00 AM

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