The Five Levels of Third Eye
The Buddha Eye sees all knowable objects without any obstruction, which is what Buddhists generally mean by the omniscience of the completely Enlightened Buddha. The Dharma Eye is able to understand all scriptures (Dharma) as well as to identify the levels of spiritual development of other persons. The Insight Eye can discern the particular and general characteristics of all the knowable objects, while seeing their higher meanings. The Divine Eye sees the world of forms in its past states (the karmic prelude to the present condition) and in its approaching states (as compelled by karma enacted in the present time). The Flesh Eye sees only forms in their present state.
The Third Eye has many different levels, at different levels it sees different dimensions. According to Buddhism there are five levels: Flesh Eyesight, Celestial Eyesight, Wisdom Eyesight, Law Eyesight, and Buddha Eyesight. Each level is subdivided into upper, middle, and lower levels. Only our material world can be observed when at or below the level of Celestial Eyesight. Only at or above the level of Wisdom Eyesight will other dimensions be observable. Those who have the supernormal ability of Penetrative Vision can see things accurately, with clarity better than that of a CAT scan. But what they can see is still within this physical world and doesn’t exceed the dimension in which we exist; they aren’t considered to have reached an advanced level of the Third Eye.
After opening the Third Eye, the supernormal ability of Remote Viewing emerges for some people, and they are able to see objects thousands of miles away. Each individual occupies dimensionsdimensionsd of his own. In those dimensions he is as big as a universe. Within a certain particular dimension, he has a mirror in front of his forehead, though it is invisible in our dimension. Everyone has this mirror, but the mirror of a nonpractitioner faces inward. For practitioners, this mirror slowly turns over. Once it turns over, the mirror can reflect what the practitioner wants to see. In his particular dimension he is rather large. Since his body is fairly large, so too is his mirror. Whatever the cultivator wants to see can be reflected onto the mirror. Although the image has been captured, he still can’t see, as the image needs to stay on the mirror for a second. The mirror turns over and allows him to see the objects it reflects. Then it turns back, flipping back over quickly, and flipping back and forth ceaselessly. Cinematic film moves at twenty-four frames per second to produce continuous movement. The speed at which the mirror flips is much faster than that, and so the images appear continuous and clear.
The Five Levels of Third Eye
Reviewed by Rid
3:30:00 PM

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