Sumer and the Anunnaki
The ancient alien astronaut theory presupposes that thousands of years ago even before recorded history our planet was visited by astronauts from another world, intelligent beings with technology beyond our own today. Many archaeologists around the world consider modern day Iraq as the “cradle of civilization”.
Between 3500 and 1900 BC the Tigris and Euphrates river were the home of the Sumerian people who prospered in this region.
The Sumerians were the first people who started building actual cities, organised using actual city grids like we see in modern day cities around the world.
They invented sewer systems, they invented cobblestones -frequently used in the pavement of early streets, they were also taught in Agriculture but most importantly they were the first civilization that invented the first known writing system by using cuneiform script on clay tablets.
They were one of the most advanced ancient civilizations. History tells us many interesting facts and stories about the Sumerians and even today archaeologists and historians still do not have a complete picture that could tell everything about the people that once inhabited the region of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
In the 19th century archaeologists exploring the ancient ruins of Nineveh discovered 22,000 clay tablets.
After translation, these tablets showed amazing similar stories to those found in the Judeo-Christian Bible.
We find stories of the great flood in these tablets and we can even read of Adam and Eve so basically all of these stories have precedence with the ancient Sumerians.
Akkadian cuneiform. Credit Anonymous.
Today when we read or seek information about the Sumer and the Anunnaki or the people that inhabited that part of the world we come across controversial author Zecharia Sitchin.
In 1976 author Sitchin published his personal translations of the Sumerian texts in a series of books called “The Earth Chronicles“.
According to Sitchin the clay tablets describe an alien race known as the Anunnaki who came to Earth to mine gold.
Sitchin practically suggests that extraterrestrial visited earth in the past because their home-planet needed gold to survive. The gold deposits in their atmosphere were depleting so they came to Earth, mined old and took it back to their planet to save it, but what is it that makes gold so special and important?
Source: ferocesmente
Sumer and the Anunnaki
Reviewed by Unknown
8:55:00 AM

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