If we don’t start caring about climate change, this is what we will have in some years time.

The constant rising of Earth’s temperature, the melting of the ice, the effects of climate change on the planet, are subjects everybody knows of. But the real problem is, we don’t tend to pay serious attention. We do not understand how immediate our effort to reverse it should be, if we don’t want it to reach an irreversable point. But we are pretty damn close to that point already.

Τhe fact of ice melting and sea level rising is more than evident, but many people still do not get how our activites affect the atmosphere, and more importantly, how these effects will backfire on us directly. We take our environment for granted, believing that we can keep taking advantage of it, keep expanding our factories, our houses and our cities, and who cares if a couple of rare bird species die out? Unfortunately, this is exaclty the kind of mentality that damages the environment, and will soon damage our lives directly. A deadly, long drought in Syria was recently linked by researchers, to the start of the ongoing conflict that has the global media’s attention, due to the refugee crisis it helps sustain.

This video was made to visualise how important it is for us to start paying more attention to our environment that is already in a dangerous state. What would the earth look like, when ice caps start melting?

If we don’t start caring about climate change, this is what we will have in some years time. Reviewed by Unknown on 9:01:00 AM Rating: 5

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