What Is an Indigo Child and How to Recognize If You or Your Kid Is One?
Before we start with this article, I would like to ask you a simple question – have you ever heard the term – Indigo Child? Well, you should know that this term has been used with growing frequency in the last few years, especially since the 1970s – back when the basic idea was developed by teacher and author Nancy Ann Tappe. O, maybe, this is the first time you’ve heard this term? Share your answer in the comment section below! And now, let’s get back to our topic – what’s an indigo child and how to recognize one. Well, here’s what you need to know:
First, you should know that the term Indigo Children quite simply refers to gifted children who are believed to naturally possess any kind of special abilities or traits. Note: these can range from the magical to even the supernatural. It is believed that these children serve as a reminder for the rest of humanity, who through time has lost touch with who we truly are – one shared body of consciousness.
Many experts around the world say that the rest of us pay far more attention to our thoughts as opposed to our feelings. But, these children know instinctively how to connect to our collective consciousness. Some have even gone as far as to say that the generations of Indigo Children are ‘The Next Step in Human Evolution’.
And now, you probably ask yourself – why the color Indigo? Here’s what you need to know: well, the experts say that this has to do with auras. Back in 1982, Nancy Ann Tappe published a book titled ‘Understanding Your Life Through Color’, a book focusing on the metaphysical concept of different colored auras that people can have, and what meaning each color holds. She states that during the 1960s, she noticed that many children were being born with indigo color auras.
And now we are going to answer the million-dollar question – is it possible to spot an Indigo Child and could you possibly be one yourself?
- First, you should know that indigo children have a clear sense of purpose and self-confidence, which most people lack.
- Indigo children can be strong-willed from an early age, and have their own unique way of doing even the simplest things. Note: and the rules and regulations the rest of us follow as children may seem trivial to them.
- You should also know that indigo children can ignore what is ‘expected’ of them, preferring do their own thing. This can cause friction with parents and teachers.
- Note: authority that allows no choice or input is rejected by them; therefore, it can be a challenge to parent or discipline an Indigo Child. Standard methods do not prove effective.
- Indigo children can also be very empathic towards others and possess wisdom that even people twice or thrice their age cannot compare to.
- Yes, they have a different nature, which means that they can be seen by family and friends as strangely anti-social. The exception is when they are with other Indigos like themselves – this is the only time they may feel understood and ‘at home.’
- You should also know that indigo children have an amazing intuitive ability – they always seem to hear or know things that non-Indigos cannot explain.
- The indigo children are also very insightful and have uniquely good ideas. Indigo children can provide simple solutions to complex problems, making them seem like “system busters.”
- When you combine their high intelligence quota and their creative right-brain thinking, you can give them a hard time in a tradition left-brain school system
- The experts say that their brains can process information much faster than the average person. This increased energy, if not correctly balanced, makes them prone to not only anxiety and depression but also the high likelihood of being ADD and ADHD diagnosed. We really hope you enjoyed this article and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You and take care!
Source: dailyhealthdose
What Is an Indigo Child and How to Recognize If You or Your Kid Is One?
Reviewed by Unknown
9:04:00 AM

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