Soulmates, Twin Flames and Kindred Spirits — What’s the Difference?
Love. It exists within all people, places and things. It is inextricably linked to God or Spirit. It is the most powerful force in the universe.
In the grand scheme of things, Love encompasses all, so why is there a need to distinguish one type of love from another? The answer is that in order to spiritually evolve as individuals, we often need to label what we feel and experience. This helps us to better understand what we’re going through on the physical plane.
Before you continue please know that all unconditional forms of love are no better or worse than each other. They all bring their own unique gifts and lessons. They are equal.
The Difference Between Soulmates, Twin Flames and Kindred Spirits
Soulmates, twin flames and kindred spirits are all phrases that have been used to describe relationships that touch our souls and change our lives forever. But what is the difference between all of these terms? I'll share my interpretation below. Please note that I'm revealing my own experience (and yours might differ). In my life I've had the good fortune of experiencing all three types of love. Mateo Sol, my partner and co-writer of this website, is what I would consider both a soul mate and twin flame. So the people in our lives can definitely overlap these definitions!
Kindred Spirits
Kindred spirits are individuals that resonate at the same level, or frequency, as us. As everything in life is composed of energy, we often feel attracted to some people and repelled by others. Have you ever spoken to a person who just seems to “vibe” or “click” with you? That person was probably a kindred spirit vibrating at the same energetic level as you.
Physically, a kindred spirit could be anything: a close friend, a confidant, a family member, a teacher, a lover, a pet, or even a land form.
Kindred spirits often play a very passive role in our lives. In other words, they do not play a very major part in our spiritual growth, but they do comfort and support us. Often kindred spirits share the same personality types as us, as well as similar tastes, interests and passions. While not all kindred spirit connections are necessarily deep and soulful, some can be (these can be thought of as “soulfriend" connections).
Soulmates are people in our lives whom we connect with on a deep level. As the name implies, soulmates are primarily friends of the soul. If you have found your soulmate they will likely be the best, and truest friend, you will ever have. You’ll be able to share everything with your soulmate, from your wildest dreams, to your most shameful secrets. Nothing is off limits.
Spiritually, soulmates usually play a major role in your development. It is possible for soulmates to be platonic, romantic and/or sexual in nature. You can also have multiple soulmates in one lifetime, hence the many love triangles we see and experience.
There are a few different types of soulmate. Sol narrows them down in this article, but you can read a summarized version here:
Soul friends — Soul friends are very similar to kindred spirits. However, the essential difference between the two is that kindred spirits are more personality-based, and soul friends are more essence-based. In other words, soul friends share our deepest dreams, values and drives (not just similar personalities and tastes). This is the most common type of soulmate.
Soul teachers — As the name suggests, soul teachers appear in our lives to help teach us vital life lessons. Sometimes these lessons are taught deliberately, and other times these lessons are unintentional. Soul teachers often appear in the form of ex-lovers, family members, friends and even enemies.
Soul companions — This type of soulmate is a combination of both friend and teacher. In fact, soul companions most closely match people’s perception of what a “soul mate” is. As confidants, soul companions deeply understand, love and cherish us. The depth and blissful harmony that you experience in this relationship will outshine any other that you’ve ever had.
Twin Flames
Many people have asked me whether it’s possible to have more than one twin flame. My response is that it could be possible, but I doubt it. As the word “twin” implies, we only have one twin flame in this life. Sometimes we don’t even meet our twin flame in this incarnation, but rest assured, we have always been connected to them on the level of Spirit.
Twin flames are our mirrors. They reflect back to us our every strength, insecurity, weakness and shadow element. The purpose of the twin flame relationship is to help us undergo soulwork and become the best version of ourselves possible. But here’s the thing, at first twin flame relationships can be intense and tumultuous. This can carry on for many years. But once both egos surrender to their purging and purification, the gifts of humility, empathy and unconditional love are finally obtained.
Our twins reflect the disowned parts of ourselves; they are the yins to our yangs, the suns to our moons, and the light to our darkness. They propel us into shadow work, deep self-discovery and the fulfillment of our potential.
Your twin flame could be your greatest dream or your worst nightmare (or both). They will test you, provoke you and love you fiercely all at once.
Among many tell-tale signs, the greatest proof of a twin flame relationship is its capacity to stimulate the deepest and most beneficial changes within you.
At a fundamental level, all souls are connected, all souls flow back to the One Spirit. We have all been given the opportunity to experience at least one soulmate, twin flame or kindred spirit connection in life. These relationships teach us so much about ourselves, our gifts and our unique potentials. In the end, if we’re lucky, we are brought back to the one great truth: that we have been Whole and Complete all along. Soulmates, twin flames and kindred spirits merely help to remind us of that.
Photo: Cameron Gray
Soulmates, Twin Flames and Kindred Spirits — What’s the Difference?
Reviewed by Rid
7:30:00 AM

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