This Forgotten Remedy Can Detox The Heart And Relax The Nervous System
There is compelling indication that the best plant remedy for heart disease was already discovered over 150 years ago. Unfortunately, today even alternative medicine has forgotten about ouabain.
A brief summary of the ‘ouabain story’…
In 1861, on the famous Livingstone expedition in Africa, the English botanist John Kirk experienced the sudden disappearance of his heart problems after brushing his teeth. Curious to find an explanation, he noticed that his toothbrush had been in contact with seeds he’d collected from the indigenous people. They used these seeds, from the strophanthus plant, to create a deadly arrow poison.
Back in Europe, these seeds were analyzed and the extracted ‘g-Strophantin’ (the English word for the compound g-Strophantin) was introduced in Germany as a potent heart remedy in the early 20th century.
The advocates – highly respected researchers and authorities in medicine – called ouabain one of the greatest breakthroughs in heart medicine. Ouabain was labeled “the insulin of the heart” and in the 1930’s, E. Edens, the most renowned German heart specialist of the time and Nobel Prize winner announced that “The time will come, in which failure to timely start ouabain therapy will be condemned as medical malpractice.”
Dr. Sroka, a German physician who has been treating many of his patients with this remedy over the last 30 years mentions a few examples that illustrate the unprecedented effects of ouabain:
A clinic in West Berlin in 1984 treated 148 patients suffering from angina pectoris with ouabain capsules. Before the treatment was started their usual medication with beta blockers, calcium ‘antagonists’ and nitrates were stopped. After one week, 122 patients were free from angina complaints, after two weeks it was 146 of them. The side-effects of the previous medication, headaches, dizziness, lack of appetite and circulatory problems were gone. Two patients discontinued the treatment due to intestinal problems.
In the early 1970s, a large coal mine with 1800 underground workers in Germany had an average of three deaths by heart attack per year. In 1974, their company doctor decided to implement an emergency treatment administered by trained helpers with ouabain capsules for those in need. In the following 10 years, there were 2 deaths by heart attack instead of the usually expected 30 deaths. In one case the worker could not get his ouabain capsule.
Dr. Sroka emphasizes that “Ouabain made it possible to drastically cut the rate of death by heart attack in this large coal mine and almost reduced it to zero. This is exemplary!”.[1]
Ouabain was used for many decades in German medicine with unprecedented results for heart treatments. But in 1971, despite these and many other examples of the usefulness of ouabain treatment, the medical establishment publicly declared it to be ineffective and even toxic. There were several factors that led to this remedy being condemned, neglected and finally forgotten, ranging from changes in the market regulations, new drug developments, obedience to established dogmas and an emotionally heated debate about the real cause of heart attacks.[2]
Dr. Fuerstenwerth, the expert on ouabain science, explains what makes this plant remedy so special:
The activity of the heart, as well as the metabolism of the heart, is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. In heart failure, we observe a disbalance in the autonomic system. The sympathetic nervous system (the part that promotes activity and the heart metabolism) is over-activated while the parasympathetic system (the part that promotes regeneration and relaxation) is too weak.Ouabain blocks the overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system and at the same time activates the parasympathetic system. But Ouabain not only balances the autonomic nervous system, it also activates endogenous protection mechanism against oxygen deficiency and, most importantly, it has been proven to be well tolerated and safe in clinical experience for many decades. [3]
In the US Dr. Cowan, maybe the only MD who has experience with ouabain. He points out another unique effect that ouabain has on the heart: “It converts lactic acid—the main metabolic culprit in the heart attack process—into pyruvate, one of the main and preferred fuels of the myocardial cells. In other words, it converts the central poison in this process into a nutrient.”[4]
There is no other known remedy that has these effects on the heart. Today, about one hundred German doctors still know about its benefits and use it with their heart patients. A silver lining can be seen in Germany. Several books have been published on the unique benefits of ouabain and its long history. One of the largest university hospitals in Europe, the Charite in Berlin, is even preparing a study on ouabain.
How can people with heart problems in the US benefit from this forgotten remedy?
The oral form of ouabain is not regulated in the United States so far, which means it can be used by any physician right away. Although today there are no more companies that mass-produce an ouabain-based medication, this remedy is still available as an on-demand preparation, individually produced by small specialized and experienced pharmacies in Germany and Brazil.
This means that basically any person with heart problems looking for an alternative to the current standard heart treatment can talk to their doctor to find out whether ouabain could be a better option. The current doctors who know how to use it state that it can replace many other cardiac drugs, thus diminishing the side effects of those. Sadly, there is not even a handful of doctors in the United States who know about this proven alternative treatment for heart patients.
Based on all available historical and current clinical experience it looks as if a widespread comeback of this forgotten heart remedy could disrupt the very questionable treatment dogmas of the current heart disease industry.
The question is: Who will care enough about our hearts to revive the use of this forgotten heart remedy?
If we look at the more than just questionable dynamics in the big pharma world and especially in the heart attack and cancer industry it does not seem to be a good idea to wait for them to come up with a tangible solution.
A Free Ebook on Ouabain & Neglected Facts about Heart Attacks:
Dr. Debusmann & Dr. Kaegelmann ‘Ouabain’
[1] From the upcoming free ebook ‘Heart Attacks 2.0 ~ Neglected Facts’
[2] Read the full story in the free ebook ‘Ouabain ~ Nature’s gift for our hearts’
You can find more information on ouabain on
This Forgotten Remedy Can Detox The Heart And Relax The Nervous System
Reviewed by Rid
8:00:00 AM

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