18 Photos Proving That We Are In Danger
Thankfully the pictures say it all. Because words escape me.
1. Mexico City, an overdeveloped metropolis with over 20 million inhabitants.
2. New Delhi, a megalopolis with more than 22 million inhabitants.
3. An elephant killed by poachers and left to rot.
4. The rainforest in flames - goats used to graze here.
5. A dead albatross shows what happens when we litter. A living dumpster.
6. A herd farmer cannot withstand the stink of the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia.
7. A waste incineration plant and its surroundings in Bangladesh.
8. The scars left behind from the mining of oil sands in the Canadian province of Alberta.
9. In Oregon, this thousand year old forest fell victim to the chain saw for a new dam.
10. Excessive chemtrails over London.
11. The beginning of Black Friday at an electronics store in Boise, Idaho.
12. Tons (literally) of broken electronics end up in developing countries and are stripped for precious metals by using deadly substances.
13. The Mir Mine in Russia, the largest diamond mine in the world.
14. While the entire world watched the events of Fukushima, a massive heat and power station was burning just a few miles away. All attempts to extinguish it were fruitless.
15. To the last drop: an oilfield in California and the merciless overexploitation of humans.
16. A lignite power plant contaminates the air with its discharges.
17. This polar bear starved to death in Svalvard, Norway.
18. The Indonesian surfer Dede Surinaya rides a wave of filth and trash (Java, Indonesia).
“Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.” ― Cree Indian Prophecy This prophecy is becoming a more and more brutal reality. But, even today, not every person is aware of the horrible effects our lifestyles have on nature. So share these evocative pictures with everyone.
Source: whydontyoutrythis.com
Via: hefty.co
18 Photos Proving That We Are In Danger
Reviewed by Rid
8:00:00 AM

Look what has man done?????????????? We are in trouble.....God help us!