Milk And Garlic – A Magical Remedy To Relieve You From Sciatica Pain!
Lumboischialgia or sciatica is pain in the back which goes down to one of the legs and also occurs by pressing sciatic nerve. This issue is caused by degenerative changes and premature aging of the discs between the vertebrae, and may also occur because of improper sitting and walking, wearing high heel shoes, stretching muscles, lifting heavy load, or excess weight. Sciatica is caused by damaged disc and nerve inflammation.
The most common symptoms ate pain and numbness in the lumbar region of the spine which happens after some effort, bending and lifting. The pain goes from the lower back down through the hip and back of the thighs, the back of the fetlock and finally to the finger of the foot, and may be blunt, sharp and strong, permanent or temporary. Each physical effort, coughing or sneezing is followed by numbness, while rising of the leg in a supine position leads to stretching of the sciatic nerve and pain.
Check out this remedy for relieving the pain which has been proven to be effective according to many people.
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- 20 ml of milk.
How to prepare it:
Mince the garlic very well, heat the milk at medium temperature and then add the garlic. Let it cook for couple of minutes, let it boil and then sweeten with honey.
Dosage: drink 2 dc of the medicine each day for extremely fast healing.
Milk And Garlic – A Magical Remedy To Relieve You From Sciatica Pain!
Reviewed by Rid
8:30:00 AM

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