Women, Do Not Ignore These 10 Symptoms of “The Silent Killer”!
More than 550 women annually lose the battle against ovarian cancer. Among the most common causes are genetic predisposition, age, and excessive use of oral contraceptives.
Ignoring all the accompanying symptoms, women in 80% of cases of cancer are diagnosed only when it reaches an advanced stage.
Here are 10 symptoms you should NEVER ignore:
Frequent backaches
If you are sure that you do not suffer from osteoporosis or arthritis, then these pains can be a serious symptom of ovarian cancer.
Pain in the stomach and pelvis
Irregular cycles
Statistically, women older than 55 are at high risk of ovarian cancer. However, this may not always be the case. Cancer can occur even in young girls who have not yet received the first cycle.
Frequent exhaustion for no reason
Shortness of breath, nausea and loss of appetite, extreme tiredness can be serious signs that the patient has ovarian cancer. Over 80% of women experience at least one of the symptoms of ovarian cancer a few months before it is diagnosed.
Getting full easily
“Early satiety,” or a sense of fullness, is one of the four most important and the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer. It would be easy to mistake this is a symptom of digestive problems, but do not be fooled!
Pain during sexual intercourse
Pain during sex can be another strong indication that you are in the early stages of ovarian cancer, says Medical News Today. This refers to the pressure and pain in the pelvic area, and the need to urinate frequently and urgently. Regardless of whether it is more or less painful, it is best to consult with your doctor as soon as possible.
According to the gynecologist Jeffrey Stern, some cases of ovarian cancer often leads to constipation, which cause nausea, abdominal pain and weight loss.
Bloated stomach
If your belly swells like that of a pregnant woman, it can be a serious sign that you are in danger.
Excessive growth of hair and dark hair
Although usually not considered to be a symptom of cancer, the devil is definitely something that should not be neglected. However, some women experience the opposite – the hair loss.
Frequent constipation
The area of the stomach and digestive tract are the areas affected by cancer the most, especially in the early stages. With pain in the stomach area, other symptoms can include digestive problems, loss of appetite and gases, according to Medline Plus.
Please Share this important information with all those who may have these symptoms!
Women, Do Not Ignore These 10 Symptoms of “The Silent Killer”!
Reviewed by Unknown
12:55:00 PM

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