What is “True Love” and how can we find it?
I have a question for you:
What is true love?
Take your time and think for a few seconds. If you do not know the answer, how will you be able to find it?
We have thousands of perspectives concerning “true love”. Our parents relationship is the first model that we see. After this, we can read media thoughts, friend’s stories, our own experience. All these can help us give a definition of “true love”. You can find a lot of information about this “product” which is harder and harder to be cured.
So, how do we know which are the relationships that represent the model of “true love”?
Firstly, let’s find out where we cannot find the true love in order to find out where is the true one.
Let’s start with some myths about love:
1. True love consists in your own sacrifice to make sacrifices in your relationship but a total sacrifice cannot mean love and you will soon lose your identity. As more as both partners maintain their own identity, they will see that the contribution to their relationship will be equal. Keep your thoughts and your hobbies. You do not show your true love by giving up on what you like.
2. My true love is somewhere out there…
Wroooong!!! The worst thing you can do is to think so! By doing this you claim your lack of True Love, and the Law of Attraction will punish because of nonsense like this that you think!
You can’t have anything if you whine and lament: “the right person for me is somewhere out there” or “ It wasn’t ment to be”. These are only stupid things. I just know that it is not nice to be alone and if you trust your own person, I am sure that you will find “True Love”!
3. My partner completes me.
This is a serious blow off to self-esteem. Basically you say that you dependent on other, reaching to replace love addiction. It is unfair for both of you. You are not two halves of person but two people that yes, indeed in some cases will complete each other.
4. True love consists in engagement
This can be true only when you will make this commitment first. When both sides are committed to a common happiness instead of one individual, your journey will weave love. A relationship consists of two people. These two people have two different thinking and preferences. If you commit to this relationship and you will not be individualistic, you make decisions that will always lead to your happiness. If you have ever been in a relationship, you know that at some point this is not possible. Sometimes, compromise and commitment will help to encourage the relationship. Two happy people form a happy relationship.
As you can see, it is crucial to love you first. Only like this, You can live this wonderful experience of “True Love”. By respecting yourself, you will also respect others. When there is “true love between two people”, there is no need to be possessive because they feel confident with one another.
If you are lonely and want to find a partner, ask yourself why? What would a partner bring you? Learn to better understand your own person.
When in doubt, remember “the true love comes within”.
By Marina Grey
What is “True Love” and how can we find it?
Reviewed by Rid
2:47:00 PM

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