An Empath is a person who has the ability to understand the emotional state of another individual. There are many different types of Empaths and many levels of gifts and abilities. It’s one thing to be an empath, it’s another to be a Heyoka.
For the Heyoka Empath, there is little available information and yet is the most powerful type of Empath. Heyoka or “Sacred Clown” is a Native American term and has been loosely translated to mean “Fool or Clown”.
This translation does not give justice to the true meaning of the term. To say, to act in a manner that is different, backward, opposite of normal, gives us a clearer understanding.
The spirit of a Heyoka is the Great Mirror. When you connect to a Heyoka, what you see in them will show you what you need to work on to evolve spiritually. The Heyoka’s mirror is one of emotion, for however you react to them emotionally is their guidance to reflect back to you.
For example, after being with one you may feel anger, feeling them to be arrogant yet the Heyoka’s mirror is showing you your need to be humble. Or you may feel great love, again the Mirror is showing you the path of self-love.
The following traits of a Heyoka is defined by the energy you carry. It’s how you interact with reality, how you process emotions.
Some of the traits may include; being dyslexic (thinking backwards), being born breach (coming into the world backwards), doing certain things backwards, or appearing younger than their age. Heyoka is movement and transformation.
This is something you don’t claim to be. A Heyoka recognizes another Heyoka when they feel that energy. It’s a deep understanding of our how our sensitivities and emotions interact with each other.
In Native American ceremonies, the Heyoka would be the one to disrupt the proceedings so as to get the people to see things differently or to shift the energy of the situation. Modern day Heyokas, when working with people, will say or do something to shift the energy which creates change, healing and balances the energy.
The Heyoka’s gift is to bring people back into balance and get people unstuck by showing the opposite, the backward way. Heyoka’s carry the medicine of chaos and this medicine has the power to change people’s lives.
This energy is firm, forthcoming and strong. It is disruption out of love; in the hopes to experience growth. It is the medicine to show us that the shadow remains unseen and the mirror of truth is hard to gaze into. It’s difficult to humble yourself in a world of ego.
So if you were to meet a Heyoka, would you have the courage to experience the unseen and see yourself as you truly are?
Reviewed by Unknown
9:11:00 AM

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