Sodium glutamate, the drug in our food
The monosodium glutamate (E 621)is a drug and a neurotransmitter. It is naturally found inside the human body and together with other neurotransmitters (like aspartic acid), has the responsibility to maintain the proper function of the brain and internal organs. A balance between these two is required.
All the internal organs have glutamate receptors. This means that they have a specific reaction when the presence of glutamate is detected. The overstimulation of these receptors (inside the brain or other organs) can cause imbalance and health problems that can copy the symptoms of other diseases (fibromyalgia or cardiac arrhythmia), but they are still improper diagnosed. So, the doctors, prescribe expensive medication that also have various side effects. The “gourmand” is going to consider that he lives a miserable life and that his health is damaged.
In order to properly understand, this “flavour enhancer” represents a “false substance” that lies the brain. It acts just like a drug, alternating the level of neurotransmitters and giving a false sensation of satiety. This would not be a problem if your brain remains healthy. Like any other drug, some people feel the pleasure but others would not and there is also a third category of those who feel really sick.
Nowadays you can barely find food without additives. the European Union accepts 317 additives- without these additives, the food won’t taste or look as good as it does. The global additives market is large enough and it still growing: in 2009 consisted in over 13 billion euro.
The additives are coming from Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain and Asia. Umami is selling really well! The sodium monoglutamate is one of the best-sellers. A bag costs only few euros and is cheaper than raw meat!
POTASIUM LACTAT - E326 – acidity corrector, hardening agent- it is considered to be HARMLESS
SODIUM CITRAT - E331 - acidifying, stabiliser, antioxidant, emulsifier, chelating heavy metals, flavourer, artificial - HARMLESS
MODIFIED STARCH OR STARCH OXIDE - E 1404 – artificial thickening agent, glazer, loading agent- NOT TO BE CONSUMED WITH FREQUENCY
E 1414 – acetylated distarch phosphate, artificial thickening agent, stabiliser, loading agent- NOT TO BE CONSUMED WITH FREQUENCY
E 1412 – distarch phosphate, artificial thickening agent, glazer, loading agent- NOT TO BE CONSUMED WITH FREQUENCY
CARAGENAN - E407 - gelling, artificial thickening agent- NOT TO BE CONSUMED WITH FREQUENCY
XANATAN -E415 - xantan gum - artificial thickening agent / artificial vegetal gelling- NOT TO BE CONSUMED WITH FREQUENCY
MONOSODIC GLUTAMATE - E621 artificial enhancer or natural flavoured- NOT TO BE CONSUMED WITH FREQUENCY
SODIUM NITRITE- preservative, indirect strainer of meat- NOT TO BE CONSUMED WITH FREQUENCY
Sodium glutamate has been correlated with lots of cerebral human diseases- cerebral cancer, stroke, hypertension, Parkinson, Huntington or Alzheimer. GMS has also been correlated with several allergic reactions, especially at those who suffer from asthma. After publishing the researches, people forced the companies not to add GMS anymore. There is a premise that correlates schizophrenia (chronic mental disorder, characterized by progressive weakening and collapse of mental functions.) with glutamate. It was hypothesized that hypofunction type glutamate receptor N-methyl-D-asparte (NMDA) causes both positive symptoms (delusion, affecting flattening, alogia, avolition and anhedonia) of schizophrenia. In this case, the arguments are based on psihotogenic effects of NMDA antagonists, feniclidine and ketamine and on therapeutic observations (in the environmental research)of the NMDA agonists glycine and D-cycloserine.
Even if the monosodium glutamate (E 621) is displayed on the product (because the regulation demands it), lots of producers know that at this moment, people are suspicious when it comes to products containing monosodium glutamate (E 621) and try to find other legal ways to introduce this substance in their products. The most common ingredient that contains “lots of” monosodium glutamate is carrageenan. According to the law, the glutamate content in carrageen is not obligatory to be displayed.
Here you can find a list where the hidden sources of glutamate are being presented. The items are in descending order of the amount content of glutamate.
The highest sources of glutamate are:
1. autolyzed yeast;
2. calcium caseinate;
3. gelatine;
4. hydrolysed proteins;
5. sodium caseinate;
6. yeast extract.
Other glutamate sources:
7. textured proteins;
8. carrageenan;
9. vegetal gum;
10. spices;
11. flavours;
12. natural flavours;
13. chicken meat flavour;
14. beef meat flavour;
15. pork meat flavour;
16. smoke favour;
17. broth;
18. tomato concentrate;
19. meat soup;
20. barley malt;
21. malt extract;
22. malt flavour;
23. milk proteins;
24. milk protein isolates;
25. milk protean concentrate;
26. soy proteins;
27. soya protein isolates;
28. soy protean concentrate;
29. soy sauce;
30. soy extract.
Even if this list is so long, it can’t be complete because the producers always find new terms to define them. It is also necessary to mention that monosodium glutamate can be also found in vaccines (anti-influenza), intravenous infusions (containing maltodextrin) and also in vitamins and supplements.
Glutamate can cause loss of memory
Dr. Russell Blaylock in his book “Excito-toxins, the taste that kills us” why glutamate and aspartame are so dangerous. Excito-toxins are chemical substances which over-stimulate the nervous cells “by burning them”. The most frequent symptom is the temporary loss of memory. The most dangerous substances are aspartame, aspartic acid and phenylalanine, monosodium glutamate (has over 30 alternative names and it is used in enormous quantities for the majority of processed food). “ better it tastes, more glutamate contains”.
Here you can find some of the common symptoms that appear as a result of the aspartame and glutamate intake:
Cardiac symptoms:
1. Arrhythmia;
2. Atrial fibrillation;
3. Tachycardia;
4. Slowing heart;
5. Pectoral Angina;
6. High blood pressure;
7. Low blood pressure.
1. Diarrhoea;
2. Nausea/ vomiting;
3. Stomach cramp;
4. Irritable bowel;
5. Haemorrhoids;
6. Rectal bleeding.
1. Aches;
2. Simultaneous pain;
3. Weakness.
1. Asthma;
2. Respiratory failure;
3. Chest pain;
4. Nose irritation.
1. Depression;
2. Hyperactivity;
3. Rage;
4. Migraine;
5. Dizziness;
6. Imbalance;
7. Disorientation;
8. Mental confusion;
9. Anxiety;
10. Panic attack;
11. Behavioural changes;
13. Attention disorder;
14. Lethargy;
15. Sleepiness;
16. Insomnia;
17. Paralysis;
18. Sciatica;
19. Unconscious;
20. Frisson;
21. Blackouts.
1. Prostate pain;
2. Vaginal pain;
3. Frequent urination;
4. Nocturne urination.
1. Blurred vision;
3. Ocular pressure.
1. Cracks;
2. Itchiness;
3. Oral lesions;
4. Partial paralysis;
5. Oral dry;
6. Face stiff;
7. Tongue stiff;
8. Dark circles.
Associated with aspartame, the consumption of glutamate increases several times the above disorders.
If you have had symptoms like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, hyperactivity, temporary loss of memory or migraine, than you should stop eating glutamate or aspartame. Sometimes, doctors give expensive medicine, when they face this type of symptoms which can be wrong because some of theme contain glutamate or aspartame.
The war against nutrition and population
We are nowadays facing a “war against population”. A war which demands an increased attention concerning what happens around us, in order to avoid things that can destroy our life. We are gradually acting as most recent expiry date farm chicken.
The paradox of this era is not that we are facing malnutrition but that we are still misinformed when living in an informational society. How can otherwise be explained the fact that even if we have informational access, still do not know what really happens around us?
This perfidious war against the human being stakes not only on “informed” misinformation but on something which is proper to entire population after falling: the necessity of… what is new for our era is the essentiality for necessity or the chemical element that produces it.
Doctors say that over 70 % of cancer diseases could be prevented if we eat healthy food.
by Marina Grey
Sodium glutamate, the drug in our food
Reviewed by Rid
8:30:00 AM

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