How can we feed our body with magnesium
Magnesium is essential for a healthy body and mind because this is essential for maintaining mineral macroelement biochemical equilibria and for the entire health of your body. Also, magnesium helps maintaining healthy the immune system, fight depression, high blood pressure and help prevent muscle spasms, such as restless legs syndrome, reduces the risk of headache and migraine. Some experts say that this mineral may also play a role in preventing Alzheimer's disease and colon cancer
So, let’s see how to ensure that you get enough magnesium in your diet. Here is a list with a few aliments that you can introduce in your daily meals:
Green vegetables such as spinach, which contains the most magnesium, turnips, Swiss beets, green beet. It is preferably to be eaten raw or in salads in order not to destroy their properties.
Spinach can be mixed with eggs, used for soups, stews, but you can also eat it raw, and this is because its 88 magnesium milligrams/portion.
The most rich magnesium seeds are: pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds cashews and almonds as well.
Organic tempeh: it is a traditional food, based on fermented soy, originating in Indonesia. However, not all soy products are healthy because some manufacturers include a variety of harmful ingredients in their recipes. Very important is what kind of soy is used, processed soy has no nutritional value.
Organic tofu: if Tempeh is just not your type, you can get extra magnesium from Tofu. Again, be careful what it contains.
Cocoa: is one of the richest sources of magnesium in the world, but it is important that the cocoa powder is not unsweetened. Cocoa beans contain a significant amount of other important nutrients including powerful antioxidants that can fight the effects of aging
Swiss and American cardiologists call dark chocolate, which has a 70% cocoa, "sweet aspirin", as it reduces the incidence of heart disease and thrombosis. Scientists appreciate apreciate the positive effect of this substance. It also notes the positive effect of cocoa flavanols in lower deposits on blood vessel walls. When talking about healt people that consume cocoa, we can notice a slowing of premature skin aging.
Raspberries: If you like fresh fruit you have several options of where you can get magnesium such as melon, strawberries and raspberry fruit, which is one of the richest fruit on minerals.
Beans: several types of beans have a high level of magnesium. Black beans have the highest level of magnesium, followed by green and Pinto beans.
Avocado: beeing full of heart-healthy nutrients and multivitamins, avocado is the most versatile and nutritious fruit. A slice of avocado added to your salads or sandwiches represents almost 15% of the daily recommended quantity of magnesium.
Bananas: are well known because of their potassium level, which makes them healthy for your heart and bones. A medium sized banana can provide 32 mg of magnesium, Vitamin C and fibers. You can easily eat this nourishing food that only has 100 calories.
Seaweed: They certainly do not represent a food that is often consumed by you, which is why you must pay more attention, because one serving provides 780 milligrams of magnesium you, more than any other food. You can add it to soups, instead of red meat, or buy it as supplements-powder from herbal stores
Wheat germs: can be added to salads, soups and fruit and vegetable juice. One serving provides you 440 milligrams of magnesium, which means your necessity of magnesium for one day.
Buckwheat: is amazingly versatile and contains 229 milligrams of magnesium per serving. You can prepare it with butter or to add it to soups and salads. You can add it even in pancakes composition. It soes not contain gluten gluten and thus does not increase your blood sugar level.
Oysters: whether raw, cooked or added to stews and other dishes, oysters provide 76 milligrams of magnesium per serving.
Quinoa: is a type of cereal as "Inca gold" or "mother grain" being used for hundreds of years only by the privileged social classes
Quinoa is rich in fibers which is good for cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of certain types of cancer and helps the digestive system. A portion of quinoa, about 50 grams, contains half of the daily folic acid need and a third of the daily requirement of magnesium, but also a large amount of iron, calcium, potassium and copper.
Besides magnesium, all these foods also have other nutrients. Be careful, choose only organic aliments!
By Marina Grey
How can we feed our body with magnesium
Reviewed by Rid
8:30:00 AM

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