70 Affirmations for Loving your Partner No Matter What
No matter how intense love starts, after a certain amount of time, the “honeymoon” wears off. Thankfully, that energy can transform into other things – a deeper love, appreciation and respect, more understanding and less conflict, and more oneness and less separateness.
We’re not taught classes on character qualities and ideals, love and relationships, or even conscious communication in our school system, so it’s no wonder why we fail so miserably at relationships and marriage.
There are, however, so many great ways we can sustain a loving relationship – one of them being daily affirmations. Saying these affirmations reminds us to take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions and sets the proper intention to have a lasting, harmonious relationship.
In reality, love is unconditional – we are the ones that put conditions in the way of experiencing full, heart-centered union with our loved one.
Take a look through these 70 affirmations and save the ones that resonate with you:
1. The grass is never greener on the other side; it’s greener where I water and tend to it.
2. My partner is a reflection of me.
3. I look inward for all the answers to my problems.
4. I accept responsibility for my actions and make right my wrongs.
5. I am forgiving.
6. I will never give up on love.
7. Energy spent loving is never a loss.
8. The light in me sees the light in you.
9. My love is unconditional.
10. Separateness is an illusion; my partner and I are one.
11. I am worthy of love and deserve to be loved unconditionally.
12. I treat my partner the way I want to be treated.
13. My partner is loving, generous and kind.
14. I attract exactly what I need in my relationship.
15. There is nothing my partner can do to make me stop loving him/her.
16. I express love in various forms.
17. I am open to love in all forms.
18. I am open, free and joyful.
19. My partner loves and appreciates me.
20. I feel safe and protected by my partner.
21. I look at my partner through my eyes via my heart.
22. I have a twinkle in my eye for my partner.
23. I focus on the good in everything.
24. I express gratitude daily, thanking my partner for his/her gifts she/he brings to the world (and me).
25. I listen with an open heart and a loving ear.
26. I put my best foot forward in my relationship.
27. No one is perfect, including me.
28. If someone pushes my buttons, they are still MY buttons – personal issues I need to tend to.
29. I am understanding.
30. My goal is always to create harmony and clarity.
31. I listen to understand and not to “win.”
32. No one ever wins in an argument.
33. I communicate in peace and with compassion.
34. I remain in balance with my emotions.
35. I practice patience with grace and ease.
36. I am flexible.
37. I create the foundation on which my relationship is built.
38. I do the best I can.
39. I’m either destroying or building in every moment.
40. I am honest, trustworthy and truthful.
41. I am trusting in my relationship.
42. I accept my partner’s flaws and always leave room for growth.
43. I support my partner’s dreams.
44. With every action, I am being an example of what I want to see in my partner.
45. I avoid blaming and pointing the finger.
46. I speak only kind words about my partner.
47. I never complain.
48. I state my needs clearly and honestly.
49. I speak my truth without blame or shame.
50. I always leave the door open for affection.
51. I never give my partner the cold shoulder and continually hold space for change.
52. I set the space and tone for love to express itself.
53. Loving my partner is loving myself.
54. I am a warrior for love.
55. I create a sanctuary in my home that is always inviting to my partner.
56. I stand firm and grounded in love.
57. Love emanates from my very being and affects all around me.
58. No one can hurt me, for I am the only one that can hurt myself.
59. I think positively of my partner.
60. I encourage my partner to reach for the stars.
61. I let go of all grudges and resentment.
62. I don’t bring up old wounds (unless to heal them).
63. My energy transforms conflict into oneness and unity.
64. I always leave room for improvement.
65. Through intention, I achieve my ideal relationship.
66. I cannot change anyone else, I can only change myself.
67. With my support and love, my partner can be the best version of him/herself.
68. Happiness starts within.
69. I am content and joyful alone and my partner only adds on to the good feeling that’s already there.
70. I T.H.I.N.K. before I speak:
T- is it true?
H- is it honest?
I- is it inspiring?
N- is it necessary?
K- is it kind?
Do you have an affirmation you say with regards to your partner? If so, comment below.
Source: spiritualityhealth.com
70 Affirmations for Loving your Partner No Matter What
Reviewed by Rid
12:17:00 PM

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