Telepathy Is Possible: Experiment Demonstrates the Reality of Mind-Reading
Relaying messages telepathically from one mind to the other may sound like something from a sci-fi movie. Well, this is exactly where this activity can be found. Guess what! Telepathy is possible and can be experienced in actual life.
No longer is reading minds a thing of fantasy, it’s now more factual than you think! It’s true, but it’s definitely different than the scenario that you’re used to.
What are we thinking?
During a series of tests, two people played a game which involved answering 20 questions. There were variables to this test that complicated the way you might view mind-reading. Despite being a kilometer away from each other and not allowed to communicate with talking, connections were made and messages were relayed. The indications of the experiment say that two people can communicate with one person guessing what the other is thinking. Could this be true?
Andrea Stocco, lead author in the experiment published in PLOS ONE, says:
“This is the most complex brain experiment ever done, at least in humans. It uses conscious experiences in visual signals.”
Well, it’s not easy to explain how this works, but I shall do my best. The first person is considered the “respondent” and is directly connected to an electroencephalogram (EEG) machine. This machine reads the brain activity of the subject in question. The second person is called the “inquirer” and is located in a separate room. The Inquirer is given a list of possible objects and a set of “yes” and “no” questions. The inquirer asks the questions which then show up on the respondent’s computer screen. The respondent answers, but not like you might think. There are no vocal answers, instead the respondent focuses on one of two flashing lights that mean “yes” or “no”. Interesting, huh? But that’s only the beginning.
The EEG machine then reads the respondent’s brain activity, sending the answer back to the inquirer by way of the internet. The “yes” or “no” signal activates a coil behind the inquirer’s head alerting them of the answer. If the answer is yes, the coil vibrates strongly, stimulating the visual cortex of the inquirer’s brain. What occurs next is simply astonishing. A huge flash of light, or a phosphine, appears in the inquirer’s brain, seen as a blob or set of wavy lines. To the inquirer, this is an indication of the answer, “yes”. After a series of questions, such as these, the inquirer can guess the object the respondent was thinking about.
Around 72% accuracy was gathered with these tests, as opposed to only 18% accuracy during controlled testing. The controlled testing was merely done by placing a plastic spacer to block phosphene images. Phosphenes apparently play a large role in the success of the transference. As with the wrong guesses with the 72% accuracy results, scientists believe this comes from the fact that most people haven’t even experienced seeing phosphenes before. They just might not know how to interpret the flashes of light.
Next on the agenda, researchers wish to focus on transferring images from healthy brains to those which have been affected by stroke. The idea is to possibly provide something called “brain tutoring”. They also want to try transferring between brain states, say brains that are sleeping connected with fully aware brains – maybe even focused brains communicating with those affected by ADHD. The options could be endless! For now, we see another fantasy coming true. Stay tuned!
Telepathy Is Possible: Experiment Demonstrates the Reality of Mind-Reading
Reviewed by Rid
11:00:00 AM

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