Massage This Point On Your Body And Experience The Miracle!
There’s a Japanese legend that says that once upon a time there was a man who inherited a very valuable knowledge from his father – about Zu San Li, “the point of longevity” or “the point of a hundred diseases”.
Following his father’s advice, this man massaged this point everyday and lived to see the births and deaths of several emperors. Massaging this point is one of the oldest methods of treatments in the East, which has been practiced for several thousand years. The human body has 365 points and 12 major meridians, which is reminiscent of the amount of days and months in a year.
The technique for this massage (acupressure, finger pressure on specific points) is based on the teachings of the meridians and channels that are associated with certain organs. In Chinese medicine, the body is seen as an energy system, and a massage can affect the energy flow and the functional activity of the organs.
Activating the point Zu San Li will give you a rejuvenating and healing effect and will prevent aging. In China, this point is known as – “a point of longevity”, and in Japan – “a point of hundred diseases”. On our bodies, Zu San Li is located right beneath the kneecap.
To find it, cover the knee with the palm of the same hand. The point is located between the nails of the little and ring finger, in a form of a small dent between the bones. If you can’t find it this way, try sitting on the floor with your feet firmly pressed to the floor. Pull them toward you, without raising your feet off of the floor. You will notice a higher area below the knee – put your finger on it and take a starting position. The point you pressed with your finger is Zu San Li.
What is this point connected to and why do the Japanese call it “the point of a hundred diseases”?
Zu San Li controls the work of the organs that are located in the lower half of the body. It controls the functions of the spinal cord in the parts that are responsible for proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive tract, sexual organs, kidneys, adrenal glands. By massaging Zu San Li, you will increase the activity of the adrenal glands, which are the most powerful glands that act as the main protectors of human health.
They excrete adrenaline, hydrocortisone and other important hormones into the blood. If you massage the “point of longevity” on a daily basis, you could normalize the functions of the adrenal glands in the body, which are:
- normalization of blood pressure;
- normalization of glucose, insulin levels;
- suppression of inflammatorily processes in the body;
- regulation of the immune system.
Other benefits from massaging Zu San Li are:
- improved digestion;
- treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- treating the consequences of a stroke;
- gaining confidence;
- overcoming stress and tension; and
- inner stability.
It is considered that by massaging this point, a person can cure impotence, hiccups, constipation, gastritis, and urinary incontinence. It is also believed that this massage will improve the immune system, and that the person will become fit and healthy for life.
This massage is best when done in the morning, before lunch. Massage each leg nine times in a circular motion in a clockwise direction, for about 10 minutes. Before you start, make yourself comfortable and relaxed. Calm your breathing and concentrate on your feelings. Do the massage in a seated position.
Immerse yourself in a state of harmony and let your healing process begin. This massage has a stimulating effect. You can massage yourself with your fingers or with any type of grain cereals (buckwheat, oats, rice, etc.)
They say that if a person performs the massage in the evening, they will lose 400 – 500 grams per week.
Be careful not to perform the massage right before going to bed because it may cause insomnia.
You can massage the Zu San Li point every day, but it is especially beneficial if you massage it during the New Moon.
– Be sure to massage this point in the morning, eight days after the start of the New Moon, as described above. It will strengthen your immunity, improve the work of the organs and slow down the aging process.
– Massaging the point before lunch will improve your memory, the work of your cardiovascular and digestive system.
– You can massage both legs simultaneously after lunch to relieve stress, nervousness, irritability, headaches and sleep disorders.
– In the evening, massage your legs separately in a counterclockwise direction. This will improve your metabolism and help you with weight loss.
Massage This Point On Your Body And Experience The Miracle!
Reviewed by Rid
8:00:00 AM

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