Scientists agree with Ancient Texts? Humans were 'Engineered'
It seems that there are numerous scientists who are beginning to pay attention to ancient texts in order to decipher the mysteries surrounding the purpose and origin of the human race.
If we look at English biochemist Francis Crick, who won the Nobel Prize in 1962 for discovering the structure of DNA, we will find that be thought it possible that mankind was created by a super civilization which originated elsewhere in the cosmos. A super civilization that literally ‘infected’ planet Earth with microorganisms which were ‘set’ to develop over time, becoming what we are today.
Others have had their say. For example, Vsevolod Troitsky from the Academy of Sciences of the USSR believed that Earth is a testing ground for new forms of life, controlled and watched over by far superior and unknown beings from elsewhere in the cosmos.
Here below I make reference to two very different ancient texts, from very different cultures which in the end, make reference or tell the story of how "they" created mankind.
A great deal of Popol Vuh's significance lies in the scarcity of early accounts dealing with Mesoamerican mythologies and the creation of man.
I would like to start with some very interesting parts of The Popol Vuh, which just like the Bible speaks of the creation of man. All editions of Popol Vuh come from the records of the Dominican priest Francisco Ximénez who lived around the turn of the 18th century.
The Popol Vuh was recorded by the priests of the Feathered-Serpent, and translated from the Quiche (a dialect of Maya) into Spanish by Francisco Ximenez. This work attracted the attention of the Abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg, who in turn translated it into French, and it is his rendition that writers of English have used as the basis of their studies
All was immobility and silence, in the darkness, in the night; only the Creator, the Former, the Dominator, the Feathered-Serpent, they-who-engender, they-who-give-being, hovered over the water as a dawning light. They are enveloped in green and azure: that is why their name is Gucumatz (Feathered-Serpent). Of the greatest sages is their being. Then came his Word with the Dominator and the Feathered-Serpent; and they consulted together and meditated, and while they consulted, it became day. And at the moment of the dawn, MAN manifested himself, while they, in the darkness and in the night, were holding counsel upon the production and growth of trees and creeping vines, of sentient beings and humanity, by him who is the Heart of the Heavens, whose name is Hurakan. Lightning is the first sign of Hurakan; the second, the path-of-the-lightning; the third is the thunderbolt. And these three are the Heart of the Heavens. […]
[…]Thus, of a truth, the Creation took place, and the Earth was spoken into being. "Earth!" cried they, and instantly it took form. Like a mist or cloud was its beginning. Then the mountains rose up out of the water. Only by a magical power could that be performed which had been meditated upon as to the shadowing forth of the mountains and valleys, and at the same time the cypress and the pine appeared. Then was the Gucumatz filled with joy, crying out: "Blessed be thy coming, O Hurakan! Our work and our labor has accomplished its end." The earth then was covered with various forms of animal life. And the Creator and Former said to the animals: "Speak now our name!" But the animals could not speak as a man. Then said their Makers: "Our glory is not yet perfect, since ye cannot invoke us. Dens and food shall ye have, but as to your flesh, it shall be eaten. This is your destiny."
The story of creation continues with incredible details.
Again there is counsel in heaven. "Let us try again; let us make them who are to be our vehicles and nourishers." So the Creators determined to make man. Of red earth they moulded his flesh; but when they had made him, they saw it was not good. He was without coherence, strengthless, inept, watery; he had been endowed with speech, but he had no intelligence; and straightway he was consumed in the water without being able to stand upright. Again the gods took counsel. It was decided to make man of the wood of the tzite cork-tree, and woman of the marrow of the zibac (willow); but the result was in no wise satisfactory -- they were merely wooden mannikin. And these are the people who inhabit the surface of the earth. They existed and multiplied, but had neither heart nor intelligence, nor memory of their Creators. They led a useless life and lived like the animals. They were but an attempt at men. Because they had not directed their thoughts to the Heart of the Heavens, the face of the earth grew dark, and a dismal rain began to fall. Then came the nature sprites, big and little, and the animals that had formerly served them, to torment them; even their utensils took shape and voice to add to their misery. Then the men ran hither and thither in despair. They sought refuge upon the house-tops, but the houses crumbled beneath them; they tried to climb the trees, but the trees shook them down; they attempted to enter the caverns, but the caverns closed before them. Thus was accomplished the destruction of these creatures, save a few of their descendants who now exist in the woods as little apes.
The third part of the Popol Vuh continues with the incredible story of creation.
[…]Once more the gods commune together and the Creator and Former made four perfect men -- wholly of yellow and white maize was their flesh composed. The name of the first was Balam-Quitze; of the second, Balam-Agab; of the third, Mahucutah; of the fourth, Iqi-Balam. They had neither father nor mother, neither were they made by the ordinary agents in the work of creation, but their coming into existence was a miracle extraordinary, wrought by the special intervention of the Creator. Verily, at last, did the gods look on beings who were worthy of their origin. Grand of countenance and broad of limb, the four sires of our race stood up and looked. And their great clear eyes swept rapidly over all, for they saw all things, both great and small, in heaven and on earth. But this was not pleasing to the gods -- heaven had overshot the mark. "What shall we do with man now?" said they. "These are as gods; they would make themselves equal with us; lo, they know all things. Let us now contract their sight." Thereupon the Heart of the Heavens breathed a cloud over the pupil of the eyes of the men, and a veil came over it as when one breathes on the face of a mirror; thus was the globe of the eye darkened; neither was that which was far off clear to it any more, but only that which was near.
But similar stories of creation can also be found in Genesis, we must only look at Genesis 1:26: Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
Who are these beings that in the above texts are referred to as “God”, “gods”, “they” and creators?
Genesis 11:7 says: "Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."
After reading all of the above, I cannot help and ask myself who are they? And… is it far-fetched to believe that mankind was actually “created,” or “engineered” as many researchers believe?
Reference and source: Popol Vuh -
Source: ewao
Scientists agree with Ancient Texts? Humans were 'Engineered'
Reviewed by Unknown
8:57:00 AM

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