What Happens 10 Minutes Before Heatstroke?
Due to the extremely high temperatures at this time of year, that can sometimes rise up to 40 degrees Celsius, doctors recommend to adhere to special measures in order to protect ourselves.
Here are several advices:
– Drink water regularly
– Avoid being exposed to the sun between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.
– Shower with lukewarm water
– Wear light, bright and loose clothes
– Eat liquid foods and foods that are easily digestible
– Use light bedding
– Stay in cooled rooms and areas
– Take your prescribed therapy regularly
Hold on to these recommended tips, but anyway read how to recognize heat stroke:
The most common sign is increased body temperature (40 degrees), dry and hot skin, cessation of sweating, rapid heartbeat, a feeling of loss of consciousness and jitter.
If it came to heat stroke before you get medical care, the patient should be placed in cooled room, get rid of excess clothing and moisturize his/hers skin.
Source: naturalhealthcareforyou
What Happens 10 Minutes Before Heatstroke?
Reviewed by Unknown
9:13:00 AM

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