Ten Signs Something Big Is About to Happen
By Gene Lawley
The impending crisis that the swirling vortex of signs and events is pressing upon this world brings to mind that song of Johnny Cash titled, “Five Feet and Rising,” where he progresses through the song’s narrative of flood waters overwhelming his family’s farm. [1]
Not only does it identify with all the turbulent storms and flooding in recent months, but it resonates with the flooding of crime, murders, rioting, sexual assaults and social immorality. Not a pretty sight, for sure! One of the prophecies proves my point, however, according to 2 Timothy 3:1-5:
“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.”
Earlier, in his first letter, 1 Timothy 3:1-2, he identified, perhaps, the root cause of today’s social and immoral degradation:
“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron….”
It seems harder than ever to find enough adjectives to describe the atrocities that abound in our world today, and that testifies to the reality of the “times and seasons” that marks the closing of this page of God’s plan for the ages.
There are at least ten, perhaps more, signs and events that are coming together in these days with remarkable rapidity. We can look at each of them in detail, next.
1. The determined destruction of America.
Barack Obama’s campaign declaration for the 2008 election was “America is the greatest nation the world has ever seen!” Then, later, he exclaimed, “Join me in fundamentally changing America forever!” We now understand that if America was so great, the only way it was to be changed was to destroy it. (The above statements have been well publicized with videos of the speeches, but now appear to have been taken out of circulation.)
The lies, deceptive tactics and outright flaunting of the Constitution, while denied and overlooked by the liberal left and political correctness demands of the media, are fully supported by factual evidence. For example, the Gross National Product (GNP) of the United States historically runs at around four per cent annually. It has continually dropped since Obama took office, and the rate of economic growth which this statistic measures dropped below zero in the first quarter of 2015!
When President George W. Bush finished his second term amid financial turmoil like never before, he had endured a rise in the national debt to around $9 Trillion dollars. Obama lashed out at him during the campaign with unrelenting fury. It was unpatriotic and treasonous, he claimed.
Then Obama added to that level of debt an additional $9 trillion dollars, which is continuing to compile, in just over six years. That’s an increase in national debt equal to the accumulation since the beginning of the nation. One problem, then, is that it is not likely that anyone could tell us where that $9 Trillion dollars was spent.
The destructive tactics go on and on, for only if the sovereignty of the United States of America can be brought down can a “New World Order” be established. Henry Kissinger, one of the global elitists, exclaimed rather gleefully upon Obama’s election success, “He has been primed to lead us into a New World Order!” (Strangely, this video has disappeared from the Internet, also.)
And likewise, in his closing speech at the end of his term as president, George H. W. Bush glowingly pictured the coming New World Order as a utopia beyond all imagination. He says, “…and it will happen.” [2]
2. The impending economic and financial collapse worldwide.
The expectation of an economic and financial collapse that is worldwide is increasingly imminent and especially so this July, 2015, when Greece is about to fold up in bankruptcy, China’s financial situation is in chaos, and yes, the USA, with its more than $18 Trillion dollars of debt. A spokesman for the Rothschild dynasty declared in the early 1800’s, “Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I will not care what its laws are.”
As far as America is concerned, at least, that has been accomplished by the development of the Federal Reserve System, and they are apparently ready to kill in order to preserve that control. Yet, that fiat system of debt financing has backed them into a corner where it begins to look like a worldwide collapse is on the immediate horizon, just as the economic experts fearfully anticipate. Jonathan Cahn historically documents this quite interestingly. [3]
3. The strange military exercise, Jade Helm 15.
Not mentioned in the daily news bites, even on Fox News, is the seemingly gigantic military training operation titled, “Jade Helm 15,” which is to begin, officially, on July 15, 2015, and end on September 15, 2015. Mainline media wants to push it away with a laugh and maybe a sneering retort that it is not of any significance to the nation’s welfare.
On its official shield is shown a downward pointing sword crossed by two arrows. Their motto is lettered across the bottom circle, “Master the Human Domain.” [4] That sounds an awful lot like the goal of the global elite and their New World Order which is, as I have heard and read of, a reduction of the world’s population of 7.210 billion down to a more manageable one billion or even 500 million. [5]
Of course, that means people like you and me, who do not rise to their level of equal. Perhaps that is the real driving force behind the abortion issue in which more than 55 million have been eliminated from the population since the advent of Roe vs. Wade.
One thing seems clear. The exercise is to end on September 15, the approximate time that many of these other signs and events are pointing toward. If the economy falls apart, as it is in Greece, there is nothing more appropriate for controlling rioting citizens than a prepared military to institute martial law instantly.
Jade Helm 15 is surrounded with seemingly deceptive press conferences, outright denials, huge movements of military equipment as well as strange closings of Walmart stores in the areas of planned operation. At least five such stores have been closed on a three-day advance notice with the pretense of “plumbing problems,” but in the months afterward, no plumbing repairs have been taking place—and the buildings are empty! The plan started out with seven states in the area of operation, but now has been increased to at least nine states. All of them are across our southern border, from Florida to California.
4. The on-again, off-again peace talks.
Since about September of 2009 there have been peace talks going on in the Middle East, first regarding Israel and the Palestinians, and now regarding Iran and its nuclear capability. At first, they were to have an agreement put together by the next September, and it still seems to point to that time of the year for a satisfactory conclusion. At this writing it appears a deal has been reached and is now waiting for Congressional approval. It shapes up like this, in reality.
If Iran is allowed to build a nuclear weapon, Israel is sure to be blown to bits, and the promise is that the “Great Satan” (USA) will be their next target. Psalm 2 and Psalm 83 speak of the hatred of the Islamic faction for Israel, and it has not ceased over the centuries. The leadership in the United States apparently feels it can talk its way out of any danger, but Israel has said it will not allow that to happen. It is now an open sore, but I would place my tokens on Israel’s unilateral response before this summer is over. Whatever happens, it will l likely lead to the confirmation of a covenant with many [nations at the United Nations], as Daniel 9:27 predicts.
5. The sign of the last Pope.
The centuries-old prediction of an Irish Catholic Cardinal that the 116th Pope from that date would be the last pope of the Roman Catholic Church brings us to this current Pope Francis. The timing included strange circumstances in which the prior Pope suddenly announced his resignation, a rarest of events in itself.
Pope Francis, from Argentina, is the first pope to be of the Order of the Franciscans and is a Jesuit. Note what one of the points of that order’s oath of membership includes, in part:
“I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity is present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition….” [5] (It gets more graphic as the oath continues.)
This Pope has stated that it is his opinion that atheists will go to heaven based on their consciences. He has issued a proclamation of statehood for the Palestinians. Also, he just recently picked up the mantle of the liberal Obama administration and its backers, the global elite, that climate change (formerly global warming) is the greatest threat the world faces today.
This seems like the kind of support a false prophet might give to a ruling world government, or New World Order. He will be the third pope to visit the United States and the first to address a joint session of Congress on September 24, 2015. Will he be drumming up support for the New World Order? [6]
6. The increasing geophysical disturbances.
There is not enough space in this article to list all of the volcano eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms and their resulting flooding that are splashed across our television screens, or worse yet, overwhelming our neighborhoods. Jesus spoke of these as an increasing activity of nature in the last day’s events in the gospels. However, the globalists conveniently blame it on climate change and the faults of mankind, thus there is no reason for a confrontation with a God of creation in whom they have no interest.
7. The signs in the heavens and blood moons.
The phenomenon of the four blood moons in 2014 and 2015 and their unique occurrence on the first and last of the seven feast days recorded in the law given to Moses in Leviticus 23 is certainly a sign not to be recklessly discarded as insignificant. They seem to be bracketing those seven points on the Hebrew calendar each year to draw attention to their message as the high points of the plan of God for this age and its approaching conclusion.
Another blood moon appeared in the sky over America on June 30, 2015, the day that the Supreme Court announced the legalization of gay marriage in the United States. Was it a meaningful sign from God for that reason, or just coincidentally connected to fiery smoke from forest fires in Canada? [7].
8. The increasing worldwide hatred for the Jews.
The historical record of the Jews in the nations where they have been scattered over these past centuries is one of hatred and contempt. That has been a factor, no doubt, in keeping the Jewish heritage intact and the race ready for identification upon the call for their return to their land. Even the Nazi holocaust, while based on hatred, also created a willing desire to return to their homeland. At this time it would be hard to find any nation willing to stand up for Israel, and even the United States government, ruled by the Obama administration, talks of standing with Israel but in reality, seems to incline away from that commitment.
9. The sign that an Israeli Rabi expects Messiah’s return on September 12.
The recent headline reads, “Leading Israeli Rabi Says the Arrival of the Messiah Is Imminent.” [8] The article describes Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky as a leading authority in mainstream Ultra-Orthodox Judaism who has been giving clear and unequivocal messages recently that the coming of the Messiah is imminent. He is urging Jews to return to Israel quickly because he expects the Messiah to arrive at the end of the Sabbatical year, which is September 12, 2015.
10. The prophetic Feast of Trumpets portrayal of the Rapture.
The seven feasts of the Lord, on the Hebrew calendar since Moses took them from the command of the Lord have been brought to the attention of people of the world by the four blood moons in 2014 and 2015. Again, the moons were to appear on the first and last feast days each year and have been on target with one more remaining in 2015. The first four of the seven feasts were fulfilled when Christ was crucified, buried and resurrected and when Christ’s church was born with the filling of believers by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Three fulfillments are yet to come.
The next feast in order, the Feast of Trumpets, is peculiar from all the others. Its day of beginning is uncertain, for it must begin with the physical sighting of the new moon and reported to the leaders. If the new moon cannot be seen because of cloudy conditions, the beginning is postponed until the next day. Thus, the statement Jesus made fits this feast, along with the time of the Rapture of the saints:
“No man knows the day or the hour of His coming.” Since this feast portrays the event of the Rapture and is on the calendar for September 13 or 14, 2015, along with several of these signs and events, it is a valid sign of the times.
The final statement in the Bible seems appropriate here: “Even so, Lord Jesus, come!”
[1] (Johnny Cash) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpgiFh66swc
[2] (George H. W. Bush, NWO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkNH1bVg3HA
[3] (Jonanthan Cahn) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObdipbzNfGI
[4] (Jade Helm logo) https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=Jade+Helm+logo
[5] (population reduction) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lLoaHp-gDc&list=PL315D66FFBCF48CB7&index=8
[6] (Jesuit order oath) http://www.reformation.org/jesuit-oath.html
[7] (Pope to Address Congress) http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2015/02/05/pope-francis-to-visit-capitol-on-sept-24/
[8] (Blood moon over America) http://www.jewsnews.co.il/2015/07/06/after-gay-marriage-decision-surprise-blood-moon-displays-in-sky-only-over-america/
[9] (Messiah expected) http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/44534/leading-israeli-rabbi-messiah-imminent-jewish-world/#P6FOOFyfVri7zaMr.97
Ten Signs Something Big Is About to Happen
Reviewed by Unknown
9:58:00 AM

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