“Living” Water Versus “Dead” Water: Which One is Better for Increasing Your Energy, Frequency, and Health?
When it comes to better health and more energy, it is important to learn about the healing properties of water, because clean “living” water plays a critical role in cell performance and energy production. Besides these health benefits, living water is also important for raising your frequency.
Water plays such an important role for life to exist that without it we can not survive for a week. This is one of the reasons why water is found in large volumes in most life forms, including human beings. According to some scientists, the human body is made of roughly 70 percent water.
Water is not just a transparent, odorless, and tasteless liquid made of compounds of hydrogen and oxygen. At the deeper levels, water is conscious to a certain point and has the ability to store information or memory. In other words, water is “alive” to a certain degree.
Water Has Memory
The Differences Between “Living” Water and “Dead” Water
“Living” water is clean water that has energetics (i.e., minerals) and healing information. The best source of living water is natural spring water. Unfortunately, most natural spring water sources these days are polluted with harmful chemicals and disease-causing microorganisms, so it is unsafe to drink. As for “dead” water, it is polluted water that lacks energetics.
The following excerpt contains information extracted from my fifth seminar titled Health and Wellness, Healing “Living” Water, and Advanced Healing Technology, which explores the differences between living water and dead water.
What is “Dead” Water?
“Dead” water is water that lacks energetics, healing information, and minerals. A great example of dead water is tap water. You should avoid drinking tap water as much as possible, because it contains harmful toxins, such as sodium fluoride and chlorine.
Some people think that distilled water is also dead water. In certain ways, distilled water is “dead” for the reason that it lacks energetics, healing information, and minerals. However, distilled water is much cleaner than tap water and is nearly 100 percent free of harmful chemicals. To make distilled water more alive, what you need to do is add minerals to it before drinking it.
What is “Living” Water?
Living water is water that has tumbled over rocks and other natural minerals, causing it to flow in certain ways and absorb the energy of Earth. This process causes the water to become more energetically alive, fresh, and vibrant. It also restores water molecules to their true original and energized state.
The most convenient way to drink living water is to install a structured water system in your home that has the ability to remineralize the water. Be aware that water that has been structured by a structured water system is not the same as water that has been structured naturally.
Why You Should Drink “Living” Water
Living water contains energetics and healing information. In other words, it is energized water that is great for increasing your energy, health and frequency. This type of water plays a critical role in cell performance.
Because living water is important for cell health, when your cells lack living water, it negatively affects every system of your body, causing fatigue and other health issues. On the positive side, when your body is saturated with clean, energized water, it allows your cells to communicate better and eliminate toxins faster. This will increase your frequency, help you lose weight, and slow down the aging process.
How to Drink “Living” Water
Natural spring water sources have the best living water. Unfortunately, natural spring water these days is often polluted with harmful chemicals and disease-causing microorganisms, so it is unsafe to drink. This problem can be solved with the help of water distillers or reverse osmosis systems and structured water units.
My suggestion would be to purchase and install a water distiller or a reverse osmosis system in your home. Water distillers and reverse osmosis systems are excellent for removing sodium fluoride and other contaminants from tap water. To learn the shocking truth of sodium fluoride, read this informative article titled A Mainstream Media Admits Fluoride is Toxic: Video Shows It Can Eat Through Concrete.
After the water is filtered by a water distiller or a reverse osmosis system, pour it into a portable structured water unit. Keep in mind that when it comes to filtering out contaminants, structured water units are not as good as water distillers and reverse osmosis systems. One thing you should know about reverse osmosis systems is that their polymeric membranes have residues that can contaminate water as it passes through the membranes. If you are worried about this minor issue, use a water distiller instead of a reverse osmosis system to purify water.
If the water filtration system that you used to filter water does not have the ability to remineralize water, you should add trace minerals into the water before drinking it. It may be better to add the trace minerals into the water before structuring it with a structured water unit. Adding trace minerals into the water will energize it, making it more “alive” and vibrant.
Source: energyfanatics.com
“Living” Water Versus “Dead” Water: Which One is Better for Increasing Your Energy, Frequency, and Health?
Reviewed by Rid
9:30:00 AM

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