Egypt’s Great Pyramid at Giza Not the Oldest or Biggest Pyramids on Earth
by Ibtissem Menad
Have you ever stopped to ask, “What If Everything You Were Ever Taught Was A Lie?” If not, I encourage you to start asking yourself. All across the surface of our planet, from the most barren deserts, to the most fertile jungles, and even on the ocean floors in-between, gigantic ancient megalithic structures continue to be found that defy the establishment’s ridiculous explanations. We know from carbon dating that countless artifacts have been discovered that far pre-date the myth that modern man has only been around roughly 5,000 years.
When you see things like Ten Mysterious Ancient Civilizations Modern Science Cannot Explain, or 5 Shockingly Advanced Ancient Buildings That Should Not Be Possible, surely even the most staunch skeptics don’t REALLY believe the explanation that longhaired cavemen in loin cloths who hadn’t even discovered the wheel yet were able to construct buildings so magnificent that modern man, even with all our technology cannot duplicate even today? Why then does the “establishment” continue to print LIES in the history being taught to our children? Perhaps that discussion is best left for another day… enjoy this fascinating discovery for now. So, if we know we are being lied to, and we know longhaired cavemen in loin cloths did not build these structures…
In the first video, listen to an interview with Semir Osmanagić, who discusses the five 30,000 year-old pyramids named the “Pyramid of the Sun,” the “Pyramid of the Moon,” the “Pyramid of the Dragon,” the “Pyramid of the Earth,” and the ”Pyramid of Love,” which have been verified by satellite and aerial photography. Some will be quick to point out in the first few minutes that Semir Osmanagić admits he is not an archeologist, and use that as an excuse to ignore the fact that since the FIVE pyramids (the largest one being larger than The Great Pyramid at Giza) have been discovered,Dr. Semir Osmanagić and his TEAM of over 200 interdisciplinary scientists have spent over 400,000 man-hours in archeological excavation, sample testing, and radiocarbon dating at the site. Those who exercise contempt prior to investigation put their ignorance on full display for all to see. The plot only thickens when we learn that like the Great Pyramid at Giza, these pyramids are also suspected to have had or been used as a power source themselves.
In the second video, the mystery only deepens when we learn there is an elaborate underground system of tunnels and labyrinths that have been in existence for 30,000 years. This recent discovery blows the doors off conventional teachings. Simply put, if we are to believe the “establishment’s” teaching, then we are supposed to believe that a civilization that predates the wheel by 20,000+ years somehow created the largest megalithic pyramid on Earth that has survived 30,000 years by dumb luck and with no assistance? PLEASE! That doesn’t even come close to passing the laugh test. The underground tunnel complex alone could rewrite human history to reflect the fact of the existence of technologically and spiritually advanced human civilizations in the distant past.
Why does the “establishment” continue the lie, and persist in indoctrinating us and our children with the lie, rather than face reality, open their minds and accept the evidence that long extinct, highly advanced civilizations, have preceded our own – maybe more than once…..
Read the article below written by Graham Pick to learn even more about the pyramids, as well as a genuine map drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis on gazelle skin. The map was drawn from a compilation of ancient maps available at the time, and it documents how the ancients KNEW of Antarctica BEFORE it was covered in ice. Are we to believe ancient man with pulley’s and ropes figured that out too?
Graham Pick writes:
During our recent past there have been numerous archaeological discoveries made, that defy any rational explanation, based upon currently accepted beliefs regarding the history of mankind.
According to conventionally acknowledged historical wisdom, the first signs of a “civilized” society appearing on this planet occurred approximately 5,000 years ago around 3,000BC in a land known then as Sumer (present day Iraq). From this original hub of early civilization sprang forth modern day cultures and societies, and since then a documented account of conventional history has been formulated and established.
But what if our historians got it completely wrong?
The Piri Reis Map
In 1929, a group of historians, whilst searching old documents in Constantinople, found a map on a dusty old shelf hidden away in the archives. It had been painstakingly created on a piece of gazelle skin.
Research has since confirmed that it is a genuine document drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, a famous admiral of the Turkish fleet during the sixteenth century.
His passion was cartography. His high rank within the Turkish navy allowed him privileged access to the Imperial Library of Constantinople, from whence he obtained ancient source maps which enabled him to compile an archaeological wonder, today known as the Piri Reis Map.
The Turkish admiral admits in a series of notes he wrote on the map that he compiled and copied the data from a large number of source maps, some of which dated way back to the fourth century BC and much earlier.
The Piri Reis Map
The map was of immediate interest as it accurately portrayed the coastlines of South America and Africa, at their correct relative longitudes and latitudes. As the map was dated 1513, only 21 years after the official discovery of the Americas by Columbus in 1492, it seemed improbable that the map was compiled from cartographical data obtained by Columbus. The legend on the map itself in fact, gave it a source far older than 20 years, revealing that it was a section of a world map composed from more than twenty source maps, some drawn in the time of Alexander the great.
Despite the mystifying problem that the map included accurate longitude measurements – a task deemed impossible until the invention of the chronometer in 1760, there was something else displayed on the map that made its origin and history even more perplexing.
The Piri Reis map, in addition to accurately charting the coastlines of western Africa and eastern south America also included a third continent in its cartography. This map accurately portrays the coastline of Antarctica – a continent supposedly undiscovered until 1820, over 300 years after the maps creation!
However, the mystery doesn’t end there. Not only did the map illustrate accurately the coastline of Antarctica, it illustrated the coastline when the continent was ice free. Only recently, with the aid of satellite technology and GPS mapping, have science and cartographers managed to accurately plot the actual coastline of Antarctica minus the ice. However, if one were to superimpose the Piri Reis map over a modern map of an ice free Antarctic coastline, one would find the outlines almost identical.
But this presents a massive problem for historians. According to recent geological surveys of ice samples taken from Antarctica, the last time it was free of ice was between 6,000 and 12,000 years ago. So whoever created the source maps used by Piri Reis, must have had detailed knowledge of not just the area during this period – a period when, according to mainstream historical accounts, advanced civilisations did not exist – but advanced knowledge of navigation, cartography, and sophisticated mathematics.
Furthermore, not only did the source maps accurately depict latitude and longitude, but also included a mercatorial projection. A mercatorial projection is a geometric formula used to account for a 3D globe being represented as a 2D image. Such high levels of geometry had not been seen since the time of the Greeks and it was not until the work of Gerald Mercator in 1569, that European’s began to include a projection for the curvature of the earth into their maps.
In all probability, the discovery of the Piri Reis map should completely discredit mainstream historical accounts of the origins of modern civilization. Moreover, historians of integrity should be questioning official accounts and investigating the possibility that hitherto unknown highly advanced societies most likely existed thousands of years before our current historical accounts were formulated.
But perhaps they need further evidence….
The Bosnian Pyramids
In 2005 Dr. Semir Osmanagić, head of Anthropology at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina, travelled to the town of Visoko, northwest of Sarajevo, Bosnia. Whilst there he became intrigued with a strange geometric shaped hill overlooking the town.
A strange geometric shaped hill near the town of Visoko, Bosnia. Or is it more than just a hill?
Dr Osmanagić Gathered together a team of scientists and archaeologists and returned to the site a short while after, and began excavations at the site of the hill – some 220 meters high. What they discovered has had the scientific and archaeological community in a quandary ever since.
This wasn’t just a hill, it was a full blown pyramid, overgrown with vegetation and hidden from view for centuries.
Further investigations of the area, including satellite and thermal imaging technology, has since determined that the area is home to not just one, but up to five ancient pyramids.
Egypt’s Great Pyramid at Giza Not the Oldest or Biggest Pyramids on Earth
Reviewed by Unknown
9:29:00 AM

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