9 Ways to Protect Yourself from Negative Energies
by Anna Hunt
Do you find it exhausting to be around stressed out or negative people? Have you ever left a dramatic situation feeling drained, even if you weren’t personally involved? For most people, the answer is yes. This is because we are constantly absorbing the energies of objects and people around us. Thoughts, emotions and words of other people can have a profound impact on our psyche and physical well-being. Just as spending time in nature or working in a garden can lessen stress and improve our mood, when you’re in a crowded place you will draw in the energies of the people around you, whether you feel it or not.
Here are some tools that to help you clear away negative energy and create a “shield” to maintain your personal energy and keep your psyche clear from the impact of other people and negative situations.
1. Crystals
It is common for people to be skeptical about the healing power of crystals, but one should just turn to science and technology to find proof that crystals are objects of measurable effect. Crystals are used in many objects we use every day including silicon, which is used in all computers and mobile phones and LCD’s, and quartz, a silicate material used in watches and clocks to regulate time. When you consider all of these applications, the effect of crystals on outside energies is undeniable.
Many crystals, especially darker colored ones such as black onyx, obsidian, amethyst, fluorite and tigers eye, repel negative energies and will cleanse your aura. The presence of crystals can also alleviate stress, boost creativity, and contribute to healing and raise levels of consciousness. It is important to remember that working with crystals has much to do with your intentions and your openness to allowing the crystal to work.
2. Smudging Sage
The North American native tradition of smudging by burning white sage bundles has been used for generations to clear out stale and negative energy out of the body and spirit. With the right intent and respect, the smudging process can help you clean your energy field, even if you are unaware of any problems. Smudging may help you clear residual feelings regarding a situation that has past, negative emotions such as anger and fear that linger after an event or interaction, tension and stress felt psychologically or physically, as well as the harmful energies of other people that have latched themselves to your psyche. Smudging is a relaxing way to regain composure and recenter your awareness after experiencing distress.
3. Essential Oils
Using the natural healing properties of essential oils has become more popular as people realize the limitations and detrimental side effects of some modern healing modalities. Essential oils such as sandalwood, niaouli and myrrh all have very power cleansing properties, and smell great. The olfactory sense is more closely linked to our emotional system than any of our other senses, and by using essential oils a link is created between healthy psychic states and the physical presence of the now.
When using essential oils it is important to inhale only the aroma of the oil, either directly or using and oil diffuser (which can be very useful when cleansing and protecting a larger space or several persons). Additionally, you can place a drop of oil in a few specific spots around the head, such as back of the neck, crown of the head and middle of the eyebrows.
4. Incense
Similar to sage smoke and diffused essential oils, incense is known for its purifying and cleansing properties. Incense may not be the best option if you need to ward of psychic attacks when in public, but it is a great tool to use when gathering with others and to cleanse away negative and stale energies around your living spaces. Ensure you use natural essential oil incense, such as Nag Champa and Tibetan Incense Sticks, that does not have any toxic or artificial perfumes.
5. Using White Light Meditation
Science continues to prove that meditation is a powerful healing practice. You can use a very easy and short meditation to protect yourself from psychic attacks. During such a meditation, close your eyes, calm the breath, and then image in the mind’s eye a bright white light forming a protective shield all around your body and any other person or object that you want to safeguard. It is up to you how long you keep your eyes closed and how bright your light will grow, and as you open your eyes continue with the meditation by trusting that your white light will continue to surround, protect and comfort you.
6. Cleansing Shower or Bath
The physical action of taking a shower or bath, with the right intention set in your mind, can help wash away negative energy. Similar to the white light meditation, image all of the negative energy lifting off each part of your body as you submerge into your bath or as shower water hits your skin. Baths also allow for the use of essential oils, Epsom salt, crystals and flower petals, for additional healing.
After you’ve completed your cleansing in the water, apply essential oils to dried skin. You can use some of the oils mentioned above, or other calming oils that benefit the skin such as lavender or ylang ylang. Mixing a few drops of essential oil into your favorite lotion or with fractionated coconut oil is also a nice option.
7. Mantras
Words, even if only spoken in your mind, have a powerful effect in creating your reality. When spoken out-loud, words and sounds can have an even more profound effect because they create vibrations that interact with your energetic body, helping it to fall into harmony or disharmony.
Chanting the following mantras repeatedly may help cleanse you of negative energy:
- KRIM (pronounced “kreem”) – Used to stimulate the lower chakras of the body and begin purifying the body.
- HUM (pronounced “hoom”) – Used to break down negativity and spread positivity and vitality through the body.
- LAM (pronounced “lam”) – Used to cleanse impurities that have collected in your body and clearing any energy blockages preventing your prana from flowing freely through all your energy channels.
You can also create your own mantra with phrases and words that resonate with you and help you shed all negativity. Another option is practicing a spoken Metta loving kindness meditation which will release a wave of positivity that can be extremely healing. See the example below.
8. Sounds
Similar to chanting mantras, sounds of chimes, bells and gongs have been used in practices such as yoga to dispel negative spirits. In the modern world, wind chimes are known for their relaxing effect on a person. The vibrations created by sounds of chimes and bells resonate through the air breaking up stagnant and negative energies. They also vibrate your energetic body and attune you to different frequencies, strengthening your psyche and spiritual power.
9. Amulets
Amulets, trinkets and talismans, with the specific purpose of protecting the human spirit, are most common in religious traditions, including items such as the Christian cross and rosary and the Muslim hamsa. These types of symbols are believed to hold great power, but similar to crystals, they react o your intentions. If you believe an item is worthless, then it will offer you no protection.
About the Author
Anna Hunt is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She and her husband run a preparedness e-store outlet at www.offgridoutpost.com, offering GMO-free storable food and emergency kits. Anna is also a certified Hatha yoga instructor. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness.
9 Ways to Protect Yourself from Negative Energies
Reviewed by Unknown
8:30:00 AM

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