Press this point on the sole(feet) and solve the back pain
If you constantly have back pain, and don’t have time and money for expensive and long-term therapy, try this simple massage, for which you need only good will and a short time.
During foot massage, relieves the tension in the back, so the pain and stiffness will lose. Foot massage can do and yourself, and equally is good if you like to do that someone else.
The result of massage you will feel after the first time. In addition, foot massage is only very pleasant procedure, but also is incredibly useful for your health.
Take yourself for a few minutes a day and it will surely be better.
Foot massage for pain in the back:
– For beginning, it is necessary to find the “backbone” in your foot.
– Sit on the floor cross-legged. Take in the hands any foot.
– The line between the heel and the big toe on the inside arch of the foot is a projection of your spine.
– Visually divide this line into parts: baptism, middle back, chest and neck part of spine. Lower part of back is closer to the heel and the top closer to the big toe.
– Use your thumb of hand and well mash this line in the direction of the heel to the big toe.
– If there are problems in the back, you’ll find their reflection. They feel as sick and thickened points.
– By massaging these points, you’re acting directly on the spine.
Press this point on the sole(feet) and solve the back pain
Reviewed by Rid
8:30:00 AM

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