Garlic – the miracle of the nature
It’s probably needless to say that garlic (Allium sativum) long been known as a very powerful natural medicine. It is known that the ancient Egyptians in the time of the building of the pyramids to their slaves often give garlic to keep them in good shape. Garlic is the main ingredient of the old Tibetan remedy whose prescription is written before more than 2000 years.
Throughout history during the wars in all parts of the world, and whenever there was hunger and poverty, garlic was important food and cure for many diseases. Brown bread, garlic and yogurt are the basic ingredients of centenarians from the Caucasus. Research in Japan even before two centuries have confirmed the positive effect of garlic on beriberi. Our medicine also appreciates this plant so that it is often composed of many salves and natural medicines based on plants. In our nation, there are a lot of beliefs related to this plant, and one of them reads: “He who every morning during the forty days eat one clove garlic, will be able during the day to see the stars.”
Today, scientific research of modern medicine confirms all previous knowledge about this plant to which humanity came through centuries of experience handed down from generation to generation. In pharmacies around the world, there are a large number of herbal preparations based on garlic, which are used as auxiliary curative and preventive.
What cures all
In the first place garlic lowers the blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood. Immediately after that, this plant is a proven antibiotic, so it is very often used to fight against cold and flu, and is useful as a preventive against these diseases. Regular consumption of garlic reduces the risk of cancer, increases immunity and antibody production in the body. It has been confirmed that it works against tumor cells and is useful provisional natural means for treatment of cancer. Protects the blood vessels and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Believe it or not, garlic even reduces fatigue, tension, anxiety and improves mood, thanks to the mineral selenium, which is located in this plant. Garlic acts against intestinal parasites, so that people who regularly consume this food can hardly suffer from parasites in the intestines. Lamblia (a parasitic disease of the bowel), successfully is treated with the help of fresh garlic and that only for a few days. He is also a very strong fighter against fungal infections.
The garlic used in small quantities as an additive in food that causing gases (beans, peas…), reduces bloating of the stomach. Otherwise, this plant is an excellent antioxidant, slows the aging process and effectively protects against many chronic diseases, cataracts, bronchitis, Parkinson’s disease.
It is interesting to say that the baby during breastfeeding drink greater quantities of milk if the mother just before breastfeeding is consuming garlic. At the same time will not cause additional unwanted spasms in the baby. This information can be helpful to mothers whose babies have less appetite and insufficient breastfeed.
At the beginning of the flu or a cold is good to eat one or two cloves garlic. This herb effectively kills bacteria, viruses and fungi, and can in the start prevent further development of disease. If the disease still comes, again will help because garlic is a powerful antibiotic, facilitates expectoration and mucus.
Garlic possesses healing properties both in fresh and in cooked form and it is important to know that against parasites, fungi, viruses and bacteria is recommending the use of fresh garlic. In the cooked form gives the best results for the protection of the blood vessels against attacks and thrombosis, while the pickled garlic is recommended as protection against cancer.
Garlic, lemon and honey anti-aging
Preparation: Finely grind 10 heads of garlic, a good mix with 1 kg of honey and the juice of 10 lemons. Pour into a glass container, cover and leave to rest for 8-10 days. Thereafter twice a day, before meals, taking one spoonful of the mixtures.
This mixture of garlic, lemon and honey slows down the process of aging.
Garlic – the miracle of the nature
Reviewed by Rid
9:30:00 PM

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