Secrets of the Ancient Pyramids: Physicists Suggest a New Theory of Construction
When visiting the ancient pyramids of Giza, you may be left in awe of their splendor, well, of course you will. These magnificent wonders of the world are immense! Just like with Easter Island, you may find yourself contemplating about how the pyramids were built as well. They seem almost impossible to have been constructed in the time that historians document. The truth remains the same. The Giza pyramids were constructed from huge stones that were located in a nearby quarries, they were dragged back to the pyramid’s design location and they were placed just so, among the other stones of the giant man made wonder. Yes, among the many wonders of the world, these have withstood the test of time like no others.
Guess Work
There are many theories on how these giant pyramids of Giza were constructed. Some of these ideas are simplistic and lean more toward amazing feats of strength. Basically, many people think that large numbers of workers pulled the stones with ropes, dragging the beasts through sands and stones. If this was the case, then there would have to be teems of workers from sun up until sun down, each and every day, diligently raising the proud monument to Egypt’s delight. Yes, this could be the case, but there are other theories as well.
As amazing as that idea was, it left no real room for ingenuity. Other ideas revolve around transportation devices that moved the huge stones into place, with less effort on the human body. Sleds, pullys and other similar devices could have been used, which would save time and energy. Although, if this was the case, the roadways would have had to been smoothed over beforehand, and even wetted down for faster transport.
Physicists, however, have yet another theory on how these amazing giants were formed. A New Idea Is it possible that the stones could change shape in order to be moved? You would think this to be madness, but it has an element of truth. To understand this idea, you have to understand the scale of the pyramid.
A New Idea
Is it possible that the stones could change shape in order to be moved? You would think this to be madness, but it has an element of truth. To understand this idea, you have to understand the scale of the pyramid.
Each pyramid had to contain a certain number of stones. On a daily basis, almost a thousand stones had to be placed upon the foundation of this huge structure. Each stone, weighing approximately 2 tons, would need to be brought from the nearby quarry and placed strategically. With this being said, was there a better way to build a great pyramid?
Physicists from Indiana University led by Joseph West claim that the Egyptians or the slaves came up with a system that could roll the stones. A dodecagon, or cylinder enclosed stone was created to transport the material. This system seemed to work very well as long as the road surface was uniform. Since these building blocks were so large, the cylinder shapes would have to come from wood that was a large as the masts of ships. As large scale as this may seem, it was nothing compared to the other options in material transport. Maybe the physicists are right, and maybe this is why there was so much attention to detail. Without the extra work in transporting materials, the workers were better able to fortify the structure.
For Years to come
So the mysteries are gradually beginning to see the light of day. The Pyramids of Giza not only reveal how they were built; they also serve as a testimony of their long life. Among all the other wonders of the world, the pyramids have lasted the longest in a complete form. Maybe it doesn’t just have to do with size at all, or even the weather conditions. Maybe the secret to the pyramids long life lies within these secrets of construction. More than likely, these giant structures will continue to amaze for many years to come-revealing more secrets about their beauty.
by Sherrie
Secrets of the Ancient Pyramids: Physicists Suggest a New Theory of Construction
Reviewed by Rid
6:06:00 PM

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