MK-ULTRA: CIA’s Secret Brainwashing Experiment on U.S. citizens
The 1950s was the era of the “American dream”. Hollywood movies reminded to American families that they were the standard of happiness and lived in a climate of confidence and optimism. In this fairytale environment, behind the American dream and Hollywood movies, on 13 April 1953, CIA began secret Mind Control programs that involved experiments on unsuspecting citizens.
Substances that were used in the experiments were aimed to promote irrational thinking and alter the structure of the personality, while there also was the use of methods that caused shock and confusion over extended periods of time, as well as methods and substances that caused physical disability, such as paralysis of the lower extremities, acute anemia and many other things. Why all this? It was the period of the Cold War.
It was about preparation for war, so that the U.S. was ready to face any Soviet or Chinese threat, as it was considered that the KGB and the corresponding Chinese secret agency possessed methods of brainwashing and control of the human psyche. All began as a reaction to the supposed achievements of the communists concerning the technical “brainwashing.”
On April 13, 1953, the head of the CIA Allen Dulles approved the MK-ULTRA program. This was an illegal program which involved agents and qualified technical personnel and used Canadian and American citizens as guinea pigs. They were subjected to the use of psychotropic drugs (such as LSD) and other methods to manipulate individual mental states and to alter the brain function.
By 1963 the MK-ULTRA program was conducting experiments that mainly involved administering LSD to U.S. soldiers and citizens. This program helped discover new chemical substances, which promised a very attractive prospect of “clearing” and then reprogramming the mind of the victim.
Moreover, the CIA rented luxury apartments decorated like brothels and equipped with “double” mirrors, cameras and microphones. The goal of all this was to have the possibility to give drugs to unsuspecting customers…
The project MK ULTRA supposedly “stopped” in 1973 on the orders of the then Head of the CIA Richard Helms, who ordered to destroy all the documents that referred to this program. Despite that, the case saw the light of publicity with the revelations of former CIA agent John Marks in 1977.
by Anna LeMind
The Mind Unleashed
MK-ULTRA: CIA’s Secret Brainwashing Experiment on U.S. citizens
Reviewed by Rid
3:19:00 PM

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