Mobilize – Finally A Documentary Depicting The Dangers Of Cell Phone Radiation
Cell phone use is only a couple of decades old, and just like anything else we use in this world, revelations regarding their use have not been properly examined and studied until now. The use of cellular phones has become the norm today for people of all ages, using it to stay connected and keep in touch with friends and family. Almost everyone you see today has a cell phone. That’s why it’s so important to share documentaries like this one which are just starting to surface.
For example, a study conducted by the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC), which included over 20,000 children/ teens between grades 3 and 12, concluded that approximately 20% of grade 3 students already owned a cell phone. The numbers steadily rose from that point forward to approximately 25% in grade 4, 39% in grade 5 and 83% in middle school. You can read that entire study HERE.
So what have we found? Multiple studies have revealed that cell phone radiation can cause cancer. Did you know that The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radio frequency fields (including those from cell phones) as a possible cause of cancer in 2011? (1) The dangers of cell phone use gained a lot of mainstream credibility in 2011 when the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted that cell phone radiation may cause cancer. The statement was based off of a cumulative decision made by a team of 31 scientists, from 14 different countries, after reviewing evidence that suggested this to be the case. You can read more about that HERE.
It’s great to see films like this getting ready to surface, the film is the trailer to Mobilze, a documentary that is set for release in September 2014.
“Cell phones are very valuable devices and they are two wave microwave radios that should not be held directly next to the brain and body. A cell phone is a very weak form of microwave radiation, it’s not as powerful as an oven, but it has a very similar frequency and some of us are using it for thousands of minutes and month right next to our brain.”
Dr Devra Davis of Environmental Health Trust. (source) by Arjun Walia
Mobilize – Finally A Documentary Depicting The Dangers Of Cell Phone Radiation
Reviewed by Rid
12:00:00 AM

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