ET Bases On The Moon & Mars
Those of us in the social grouping called Baby Boomers have seen an amazing era of history unfold right before our eyes. Whether social, political or scientific, we were always right there on the cutting edge of change. What luck it was to grow up during the 50's and 60's; when America went into space.
A great many of us followed the space program from its infancy with the Mercury program, on thru Gemini, Apollo, and the Space Shuttle: and the one constant factor was the repeated encounters our astronauts had with UFO's & extraterrestrials.
Many people believe that NASA is a civilian organization, but they're wrong, it's a 100% pure government operation, and as such has always had a policy of keeping the whole extraterrestrial subject under wraps. This tight lipped secrecy about what they found in space and on the moon has many of us believing their name stands for Never A Straight Answer! Despite decades of censorship; a wealth of radio, photographic & video evidence exists in data available to the media, to verify such encounters repeatedly over the years.
It just seems a logical idea considering the vast galactic distances involved; coupled with the fact that they were seen during virtually every space mission by us or the soviets...that they had bases established in our solar system. Just look at the hundreds of American military bases scattered across this planet and you'll see why it's also a good idea on the galactic scale.
Those who have followed the ET issue with any real interest are likely aware that there are actually several different races of aliens commonly visiting this world, which makes the idea of bases even more reasonable to consider. There have been reports of alien bases right here on earth, and under the oceans, so why wouldn't there also be such alien made structures elsewhere in the solar system?
To be sure, we paid dearly for our successes in space, with the lives lost in various disasters, but we always continued on, even after Challenger & Atlantis were lost, we kept going, kept reaching for the stars, until it stopped suddenly and the manned space program was ended, without a successor program in place to keep going. I for one, took it as personal & intellectual insult when the program was executed like a condemned prisoner. Of course NASA is still very much in business with the ultra secret shadow space program; why else would there be something called the Space Command, and three dedicated U.S. bases to support it? Why is there a marine who claims to have spent over ten years on a secret base on Mars?
The notion of alien moon bases is in resurgence recently with such movies as Apollo 18 & Iron Sky, as well as a recent SyFy channel production, "Aliens on the Moon" (full video below) which relied heavily on the books, NLO's Unidentified Lunar Objects revealed in NASA photography by Alan Sturm and Somebody else is on the Moon by George Leonard. When viewed together the photographs from these two books are certainly compelling if for no other reason than God doesn't build in straight lines! The Apollo program was scheduled for 20 missions to the moon, yet that program was halted abruptly also, after the 17th mission. Why did we suddenly decide not to return to the moon? There has to be a reason we gave up the plan to eventually build bases on the moon; was it because someone else was already there? NASA sent a lot of hardware and cameras into lunar orbit, so why are there no images from the far side of the moon, the one which never faces earth? The pretext of the movie Iron Sky was the presence on the moon of Helium3 which is in fact a true thing. On the entire earth there are only about 15 tons of helium3, but on the moon there are over 5 million tons of the stuff. Interesting also that He3 is a clean and efficient nuclear reactor fuel! The regolith covering the moon is full of He3.
Employing something called the Drake equation we can calculate the approximate number of advanced space faring extraterrestrial races in the milky way galaxy; and there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of them. We are not alone. Those advanced space faring races come in five basic types according to the Kardashev Scale. Type I civilizations harness every possible available power source from solar, wind, hydrothermal, geothermal, tidal and even earthquakes. Resources are used in an elegant manner without pollution or waste. They are not at the mercy of planetary weather because they control it. Type II civilizations exploit & use the energy of stars themselves to power their needs, and Type III civilizations harness the energy of an entire galaxy. Type IV civilizations exceed technology and resonate with the environment and reality around them. Then there are the Type V civilizations: which are more like Ultraterrestrials. They are similar to the type IV except they are of much longer duration, and have a deeper awareness of the continuuium and interdimensional travel.
"They're here...parked up on the rim of the crater, watching us." - Neil Armstrong
Although UFO encounters were documented during most, if not all manned space flights, Apollo 11 afforded a wealth of evidence in voice transmissions, and photography. Some sources even claim the astronauts made contact with an alien race on the moon. Not long after their landing, Armstrong and Aldrin noticed a UFO nearby, after advising Houston Armstrong is said to have switched the radio from the public channel to the medical channel, then advised control "They're here...parked up on the rim of the crater, watching us." Perhaps the most remarkable of the photos from the Apollo 11 mission is the one which clearly shows a detailed saucer shaped craft landed on the lunar surface. Although Armstrong probably took the picture, or was present when it was taken, it seems so odd that he refused to comment on the photo, or even look at it when asked in a filmed interview included in the SyFy program Aliens on the Moon.
It seems pretty clear to me that something extraordinary occurred during that Apollo mission, and that it's still being kept a secret 45 years on, as we nostalgically observe the 45th anniversary of the first moon landing this month. NASA and the government contend that such secrets must be kept from the public; because if humanity learned of ET races in our solar system we would all quit our jobs and go on some kind of rampage which would bring down society, religion and Wal-Mart. More likely is they keep such deep dark secrets because they fear their loss of authority if everyone knew these races were operating at will in our solar system; and "the Authorities" were helpless to stop it, or worse yet were actually working with ET's. Apollo 14 reportedly flew over the moon's polar region and saw rows of spacecraft parked, and the abandoned remains of a city with circular buildings and very tall towers. Apollo 15 captured an image clearly depicting a cigar shaped craft on the moon's surface near the Delporte crater. Apollo 16 took detailed pictures of vehicle tracks, a "bridge" and a radar dish in the Mare Crisium crater. Next thing ya know the Apollo program is scrapped...almost.
Four years later, in 1976 NASA reportedly sent an international crew to the moon, designating the flight Apollo 20. The crew consisted of pilot Leona Snyder, former astronaut William Rutledge and Russian cosmonaut Alexi Lenov. Their destination was the Delporte crater, and their mission was to explore the cigar shaped craft photographed by Apollo 15! As the story goes, the crew of Apollo 20 explored the alien craft, and also discovered a large city, and of all things a preserved alien girl. Some years later William Rutledge surfaced on the internet with a collection of videos & photos purportedly taken during the Apollo 20 mission. As with most fantastic tales, this one bears the hybrid marks of having some truth, and some sensationalism as well, regards the alien mummy girl; and it would not be the first time the powers that be tried to diffuse the truth with just the right amount of not-so-true. When the Russians sent their Zond-3 probe to explore the far side of the moon in 1965, they photographed a dome type structure, and a 22 mile high spire or tower.
Could these structures have anything to do with why we abandoned our long range plans to dominate the moon? Were we warned not to return? Every expert will tell you that whoever controls the moon also controls the earth; so why did the American military-industrial complex just give up on the prize it wanted so much? Who owns the moon? Related: Moon Landing Hoax Uncovered! So, NASA turned it's attention and efforts towards the mysterious red planet Mars, since they had plans to travel there as well, and right away there were signs that others had gotten there first. About the same time Apollo 20 was exploring the alien cigar shaped craft on the moon, the Viking 1 space probe was orbiting Mars, and took a most remarkable photograph in the Cydonia region. The famous Face on Mars photo:
Once the picture went public NASA of course debunked clear photographic evidence by saying it was a trick of light, or maybe swamp gas; it was they said, anything but what it looked like. As I said, Never A Straight Answer from that bunch. Over the years the debate just wouldn't go away, the public clamored for more photos from Cydonia but they never came, until 2001 when the Mars Global Surveyor satellite again photographed the face on Mars. The new pictures of course bore small resemblance to the original owing no doubt to NASA air brushers & photoshoppers. Perhaps the foremost authority on all things Mars is former NASA employee Richard Hoagland, and there is a wealth of information on his website: Enterprise We have mystified and marveled over Mars for a long time, being the nearest inhabitable world in the solar system we wonder in awe and perhaps just a little dread if there be life there. In 1897 H.G. Wells synthesized our fears so well in his novel War of the Worlds that it remains a classic which has spawned no less than six feature films. Just like the moon; NASA has similar long range plans for Mars, including a colony eventually, and yet once again there are disturbing indications that someone else is already there. Of all Mars missions attempted by various countries over the years, 23 have disappeared or failed upon reaching the orbit of Mars! 23 failures, seems a lot. The Martian moon Phobos is the crown jewel as it would make an excellent base from which to launch future missions deeper into the solar system. Both Russia and the U.S. agree, and both have sent exploratory probes there to recon the surface; every one of those missions failed. The 1989 Russian Mars probe Phobos-2 seemed to come under direct attack by a UFO which either rammed it or shot it down. These are two of the last photos taken before the probe was destroyed:
Beyond the failed and disappeared probes, the ones which succeeded in their missions have provided us with again, a wealth of images which literally beg an explanation, such as this picture which seems to show an artifact or piece of wreckage clearly not natural in origin:
Thanks to programs like Google Moon & Google Mars, we can search for signs of ET's all on our own, and there are things to be discovered as this Google Moon photo reveals:
Of course we can examine our own planet as well for signs of ET activity with Google earth. One such search was rewarded with this image of a triangle craft flying:
And then there is this interesting sequence from the Antarctic back in 2012, seemingly depicting the landing or crash of a craft; which was quickly surrounded by tanks;
There exists a vaster reality out there, beyond the hobbling explanations from NASA and the government; it's a world Neil Armstrong alluded to during his speech at the 25th anniversary of the first moon landing. He spoke of the veils of secrecy being lifted, and that there were so many amazing places yet to explore. His words sounded so very sad to me; like a man who had seen that vaster reality with his own eyes and could not understand why we walked away from it. That vaster reality is still all around us, every day and indications are that the long awaited Disclosure about ET's may be at hand sooner, rather than later; just something to think about. Thinking about ET's and alien bases in our solar system may be uncomfortable for some, so they write it off as nutters exercising their free speech. For the rest of us it remains perhaps not the most important thing at the moment...or is it? Who can know, and that's just the point; knowledge is power! My suggestion would be that as long as you're holding a camera phone, quit photographing your food, and turn your focus to the unlimited universe all around you, Feed your head!
ET Bases On The Moon & Mars
Reviewed by Rid
6:00:00 PM

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